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Due to the recent upgrade in the PHP on the server, Some pages may not display properly and a few challenges will be offline. Basic 26, Real 7, 9 Will be Offline till I get them recoded. Realistic

New Stegano challenge released today! Stegano 24 by shadowls. This is a tough one, Took a while to figure it. So have fun. More on the way. Also bugs fixed in Javascript 5, Real 5 and Tracking

Bug Updates

11 years ago

Pm And Forum System Fixed For New Members PM system should be working fine now for all new members. If anybody is having problems you can still PM me WITH you

Please be aware that some challenges that require database functionality are offline. If at a certain point in the challenge you get mysql_select_db errors please report these to Mordak or korg a

Latest Developments

13 years ago

There\'s been some question into Mordaks sudden appearance and status in HBH. This news post should answer some of those questions. Who is Mordak? What is HBH v2? What does all


13 years ago

You may have noticed a few of the penetration testing challenges and tracking 2 not working recently. I\'m in the middle of fixing these, making some database changes and upgrading a few bits and bobs

New Challenges

13 years ago

NEW: Logic 7 is now open to the public. ----- Timed 9 is now out and ready to be solved. Enjoy. Two new challenges, Timed 10 and Stegano 23, are now here for your enjoyment. Have fun. Ti


14 years ago

The IRC now has multiple nodes. To join, connect to the server irc.psych0tik.net port 6697. This address will automatically direct you to whichever node is currently being used. Don\'t forget to enabl

HBH Updates

14 years ago

Basic 24 is now back online thanks to only_samurai. The RSS link has now been moved to the top left corner of the main page. Also, the HBH IRC channel has been moved to a new location. It can n