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Deploys to Staging


Current Version: 2.0.19

We are constantly working on HBH in the background adding new feature, new challenges, new labs and fixing bugs. With members of the community who have donated being able to access these new features before anyone else.
Our aim is to have new features added to site around a month before these features are made public for people to test and suggest improvements to them.

Below you can view our changelog, roadmap and suggest a new feature or improvement to the site:

API Documentation

Access HBH using our simple and powerful API. Our API is a REST API. Therefore, documentation in this section assumes knowledge of REST concepts.

Coming Soon

Challenge SDK Documentation

Build Challenges for HBH using our simple SDK. Our SDK is PHP based and using the MVC architecture from Laravel. Therefore, documentation in this section assumes knowledge of MVC concepts and Laravel.

Coming Soon

Labs Documentation

Documentation to help with building of Labs for HBH and the rules when building the Labs.

Coming Soon