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Interview with a Hacker is now open to the public. In this section HBH will be interviewing several experianced and well known hackers and getting to know a bit more about them and their views

HBH Members have been asked to penetration test a new cms for a corporate web designer. Anyone is welcome to try an

New HBH Competition

17 years ago

Just a little competition that should actually be quite fun to do! It also will help HBH out alot too! Basically its a promotional thing for HBH. Person who promotes HBH the most, wins! Now im not

Javascript 14

17 years ago

I finally sorted it out. Worked out what problem was and got it sorted. Thanks for everyone who emailed me suggesting fixes etc. JS 14 is now working fine! Also, in other news today i had a inte

HBH ZINE *Visit site for more details later. Get coding NOW! Slightly different this time. Im accepting anything. Any kind of program. It do

Real 15

17 years ago

Real 15 is released! It involves terrorists and has a great story line. its ranked h

Real 15

18 years ago

Hold on folks, its nearly released! I know i said i\'d get it up by tonight, but uploaded etc and got EM\'s beta testing it now and a few bugs have been discovered etc so looks like tommorow afternoon

Issue 2 of HellBound Hackers Magazine has been released! Get your copy now! Share your views on it in the

Submit your code

18 years ago

First programming challenge will end within 2 days, therefor i would advise all pa