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Tech News

Live 8 - End to world poverty

Nearly everyone here should know about Live8 and the \"end to world poverty\". Concerts are happening all over the world to spread teh message of 3rd world debt. I hope everyone here has/will do something towards this cause. For those of you who feel strongly about this, and want to make a difference, i urge all of you to sign the petition!! Make a difference, and sign it NOW! Also, this message is focused towards the UK members. The G8 summit is being held in scotland, and much support is needed to march to the summit and make the world leaders know \'the world is watching\'. It would be great to see some HBH members there. For more information, please visit the Live8 site.

~ Thanks on behalf of all the HBH Staff ~

Netbux scam? - Truth or Not

As you might have already known. There was much debate on whether the popular Netbux was a scam or not. Some swore it was a scam, others swore it wasnt. Today while surfing, I found that the netbux.org domain name now redirects to searchoodles.com. This site is just like netbux although it does not even mention paying anyone anything, So all of you spamming the internet with your referral code need to be ashamed of yourselves. Although I cannot TELL you that it is a scam, I am just telling you what I see. BlackAce227

(Beware)Honey Pots Getting Sticky

Spitzner and two dozen members of the Honeynet Project hope new changes to the group\'s open-source honeypot technology will help the method become much more popular among security companies and others. The technology is designed to help users forge their own honeypots--faked computers and networks that serve as decoys for discovering online miscreants. Click to read more...