The True Hacker
The True Hacker

Hacker. There was a time, when the word was a respectable title and gave a sense of nobility to its bearer. Today the word "hacker" has been abused and poisoned to become a negative unethical title. Today people seem to think the title "hacker" is bestowed by ones self, when infact nobody should proclaim themselvse to be a true hacker, its a title bestowed by others.
Even those who follow the path of a hacker have forgotten its true meaning. In todays chaotic world, the True Hacker is struggeling to surive.
The True Hacker. A dying breed.
We need to take a good look at what we think a hacker is, and perhaps re-evaluate whether we can call ourselves a true hacker. How can we justify hacking and criticize negative stereotypes if we ourselves don’t even know what a hacker is.
With no one as a guide, with no one as a role model, people are left blind and mislead.
It is time for a change.
The True Hacker has a sense of enlightenment and wears his title with pride. Ethics form the essence of a True Hacker. They believe in improving this world and making a difference. It’s ambitious, and it’s reachable. They believe in, and uphold true ethics. No action is taken without good ethical incentive.
The internet is our home, it's where we belong. It is a great place and has such promising potential, but is plagued and polluted by unethical and dangerous sites. Racism, Child Pornography, Terrorist websites; to name but a few. Corruptive material like this is illegal to broadcast over TV / Radio, so why is it allowed to spread its harmful ideas over the internet.
A True Hacker enforces harmony throughout the Internet. They strive to protect what needs protecting. They nobly remove what needs to be removed.
A True Hacker is driven by divine ethics and does what is morally correct, for the good of everyone else.
A True Hacker will apply this philosophy to every aspect of life. Helping many people. Standing up for what one believes in, both online and offline.
However these qualities have sadly become rare and tainted.
The title of the True Hacker needs to be reclaimed. The stereotype and treatment of hackers relies on the amazing deeds of True Hackers.
It's time more people start using their powers for good. Using their powers to better the internet. Imagine a free and safe Internet, kept ethical and protected by hackers. Imagine the stereoptye of hackers, if groups infiltrated terroist forums undetected, and then send all information to relavent authorities. Imagine the stereotype of hackers if they infiltrated a racist forum and disclosed plans on racial attacks before shutting the forum down.
Imagine one of the largest online companies is notified about a urgent security issue, so it can fix it before possibily loosing millions of dollars.
Actions like these can save and improve thousands of lifes, yet sadly so few people use their knowledge in this way. Yet people today prefer to detroy hundreds of innocent sites just to have the illusion of fame.
With great power, comes great responsibility. No one can call themselves a "hacker" is they deface and damage random innocent sites. Hackers should be out there using their powers for gain of ethics, for the greater good. Hacking isnt a action, or the idea of defacing websites, hacking is a state of mind.
Being a True Hacker you have the power to do such good in this world and truely make a positive difference to hundreds of people all over the world.
This idea could become very real and it is time we started making a difference.
What part will you play?
Learn the way of the True Hacker and become enlightened.
Hacking isn’t just Computers & Exploits. It’s a Philosophy.
Join me. Make a difference.

Mr_Cheese 18 years ago
this is still in draft version. this is a essay i want to spend alot of time writing and get perfect. it is still in development and will be finished in a few days. i wanted to give you a preview and recieve some feedback.

ghost 18 years ago
good man, i like how your trying to get out what a hacker really is and not what hte media makes it out ot be

ghost 18 years ago
the "Hacking isn’t just Computers & Exploits. It's a Philosophy. " has inspired me to write a long article on the Philosophy of hacking. How the roles of good and evil come into play and what not. Expect it in the July or August issue of Zine. BTW nice read. :D

Mr_Cheese 18 years ago
yeah, im not sure if im actually describing it as i intend to. i got it all perfectly understandable in my head, just cant word it properly. as i said, work in progress so it should be finished within a week. i want to get it around 700 words too.

ghost 18 years ago
Cheese ! Weel done ! Err…I mean jeez :P THats a nice article. and, like mozzer said, How can we **join **you ?

ghost 18 years ago
Well cheese… what can i say? its awsome! it actually makes sense for example "The True Hacker. A dying breed." True hackers are a rare breed nowadays with all this governemt site and negative media causing most of them to be arrested for little more then an interest in the subject of hacking. Right on brother!

Mr_Cheese 18 years ago
Join Me, was a figure of speech. didnt mean it literally, i meant "join me" in the idealogy of it, join me in the philiopshy.

ghost 18 years ago
Getting too the true meaning of what a hacker is, nice. This is the type of stuff that made me want to do my project onhackers (it is comming along nicely) My essay, will be an evalutation on how the media has crapped all over the term Hacker. Nice going here Cheese :-)

ghost 18 years ago
great article ! and i hope to see your's submitted aswell once it's finished Displayed :)

ghost 18 years ago
Awesome article! It's about time someone properly explained what a true hacker is…The media, as well as most other people who are afraid of hackers, confuses the term "hacker" with "cracker" - Two COMPLETELY different things. We need more articles like this to spread the word!

ghost 18 years ago
Very good article, but who decides what is ad what is not ethical?:|
That is the only problem I can see in this theory

AldarHawk 18 years ago
Nicely written Cheese. You should add in more along the lines of what an old school hacker was. A Guru whom took an interest in electronics and how it all works. Then taking that and expanding it to do something to help or better the process itself. Perhaps even get into Geekdom ;)

ghost 18 years ago
great article ;) it's really well written and has some good points. Cant wait to read the final version of this :)