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The True Hacker

The True Hacker

By Mr_Cheese avatarMr_Cheese | 18060 Reads |
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Hacker. There was a time, when the word was a respectable title and gave a sense of nobility to its bearer. Today the word "hacker" has been abused and poisoned to become a negative unethical title. Today people seem to think the title "hacker" is bestowed by ones self, when infact nobody should proclaim themselvse to be a true hacker, its a title bestowed by others.

Even those who follow the path of a hacker have forgotten its true meaning. In todays chaotic world, the True Hacker is struggeling to surive.

The True Hacker. A dying breed.

We need to take a good look at what we think a hacker is, and perhaps re-evaluate whether we can call ourselves a true hacker. How can we justify hacking and criticize negative stereotypes if we ourselves don’t even know what a hacker is.

With no one as a guide, with no one as a role model, people are left blind and mislead.

It is time for a change.

The True Hacker has a sense of enlightenment and wears his title with pride. Ethics form the essence of a True Hacker. They believe in improving this world and making a difference. It’s ambitious, and it’s reachable. They believe in, and uphold true ethics. No action is taken without good ethical incentive.

The internet is our home, it's where we belong. It is a great place and has such promising potential, but is plagued and polluted by unethical and dangerous sites. Racism, Child Pornography, Terrorist websites; to name but a few. Corruptive material like this is illegal to broadcast over TV / Radio, so why is it allowed to spread its harmful ideas over the internet.

A True Hacker enforces harmony throughout the Internet. They strive to protect what needs protecting. They nobly remove what needs to be removed.

A True Hacker is driven by divine ethics and does what is morally correct, for the good of everyone else.

A True Hacker will apply this philosophy to every aspect of life. Helping many people. Standing up for what one believes in, both online and offline.

However these qualities have sadly become rare and tainted.

The title of the True Hacker needs to be reclaimed. The stereotype and treatment of hackers relies on the amazing deeds of True Hackers.

It's time more people start using their powers for good. Using their powers to better the internet. Imagine a free and safe Internet, kept ethical and protected by hackers. Imagine the stereoptye of hackers, if groups infiltrated terroist forums undetected, and then send all information to relavent authorities. Imagine the stereotype of hackers if they infiltrated a racist forum and disclosed plans on racial attacks before shutting the forum down.

Imagine one of the largest online companies is notified about a urgent security issue, so it can fix it before possibily loosing millions of dollars.

Actions like these can save and improve thousands of lifes, yet sadly so few people use their knowledge in this way. Yet people today prefer to detroy hundreds of innocent sites just to have the illusion of fame.

With great power, comes great responsibility. No one can call themselves a "hacker" is they deface and damage random innocent sites. Hackers should be out there using their powers for gain of ethics, for the greater good. Hacking isnt a action, or the idea of defacing websites, hacking is a state of mind.

Being a True Hacker you have the power to do such good in this world and truely make a positive difference to hundreds of people all over the world.

This idea could become very real and it is time we started making a difference.

What part will you play?

Learn the way of the True Hacker and become enlightened.

Hacking isn’t just Computers & Exploits. It’s a Philosophy.

Join me. Make a difference.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

I have to agree with cubeman. Every human being has it's own definition of the word good. You can't give it one solid definition to fit all.

Mr_Cheese's avatar
Mr_Cheese 18 years ago

every being knows the difference from right and wrong. if a website is in a hazy area, then it should be left untouched. hate sites for instance are undoubtably unethical.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

I agree, but take for instance a site against christians. Most people will find it unethical but other will find it ethical as they're also against christians. Everyone has it's own definition for right or wrong. Ethics are a personal thing.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Democratic ideas that we all cherish- those on which democracy stand, focus on the point that even if we despise what a person may say, we feel just as strongly compelled to protect it as we do our own views "Freedom of speech for things I believe aren't hateful" isn't freedom of speech- its oppression for everyone who doesnt agree with me.

"A True Hacker enforces harmony throughout the Internet. They strive to protect what needs protecting. They nobly remove what needs to be removed."

Good god, thats like a monarchy: if you have a good king, then you're set. if not, your life sucks. If this is how the world exists: rouge hackers deciding what people can and cannot say in the largest net of information in the world- well, I'd rather not have hackers. Better to strip power from a good king to prevent the rising of a bad one.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Atheism baby :D

Mr_Cheese's avatar
Mr_Cheese 18 years ago

its not a monarchy, its anarchy. anarchy if executed correctly can become a utopia.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

people have a right to say what they please, but things like downwithdemocracy.com or org or however–why is that site still up boys???? that should have been killed months ago. They have no right to say what they did there, under those circumstances. But liberal politicians allow it…

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

-Awesome article this should be a forum thread-

If people like Al 'Quaeda believe what they are hacking is right and ethical are they "True" Hackers?

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

planning on or assisting in stripping of someone else's rights or providing a forum to allow people to logistic out an act of that sort is good grounds for getting shut down.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

good comment deathrape but Mr. Cheese one thing, who gets to choose who can participate in the anarchy/utopia unfortunately if anyone could join in, the idea wouldnt work but if everyone cant join in its kinda fascist(sp?) …life's hard lol

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

well the thing is, occu, is that some of us have a clue about wtf shud and shudnt go on in this world. i think cheese has an idea…

its stuff like downwithdemocracy, anyone (in america) who says that site should be up, should be tried for treason. grnated the 1st amendment allows them to do so, and i fully back the 1st (hypocrite?) i dont think that families who have A) someone in the military B) somone killed in 9/11 or elsewhere or C) have seen the tortures taht scum bags like Al zarqaui (pardon spelling) have put people thorugh, should have to deal with this FUCKING BULLSHIT!!! Have you heard the screams of men having their heads cut off by those towl head fucking bastards? Now dont play the racist card on me, im a white catholic armerican, DONT TELL ME SHIT ABOUT RACISM. And also, when i lived in NY, i had friends from pakistan. So dont even think about going there. Theres just so much BS going on right now, and nothing any of us can do about it.

Mr_Cheese's avatar
Mr_Cheese 18 years ago

"nothing any of us can do about it" … wrong. you can do plenty. give money to charity / remove filth from the internet / spread the word / educate others / send letters to MP's. theres plenty of things you can do.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

im ashamed to have ever called myself a hacker. i want to be a true hacker(as defined in this article) i want to redeem my senseless attacks and protect the true meaning of the term Hacker 10/10

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Its obvious that hate sites shouldn't be there, and child pornogrphy, but were would you draw the line ? Theres some things that can be done away with easily, a website that blatently is worng. But when does it stop becoming wrong, an opinion, someone's right of free speach ? I might be going along the wrong track here. Its hard to find a good example, and put my thoughts down as words. The article is exellent, and everyone can do all of the things it says, but there will always be some things that will be in that gray area between right and wrong.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

That comment was mainly at the other comments. As for the whole article, it's brilliant ! I think that "With great power, comes great responsibility." is a bit of a cliche, thanks to spiderman, lol, but it still works well, and makes you want to stand back after reading it and take a good look at yourself. I know I'm not a True Hacker, but im certainly going to strive to be one :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

I think thats its very difficult to define between, right and wrong, for these are only opinions. 'Right' is just in majority, so most people are brought up believing it. I hear people saying about terrorists.. Most people would say suicide bombers are taking inocent lives, but they believe that they are going to heaven because of there actions (or so i hear). I am going to take a wuote from the HBH quote bar thing at the top.. " One mans freedom figter, is another mans terrorist", and its soo true. "right" and "wrong" are decided on personal option, if majorities start dictating what is viewed on the internet, just cause they can, the internet will never be a utopia. (i think that child porn and terrorist sites should be inflitrated)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

You might want to use some of that Cheese, i think its so inspirational

This is our world now… the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore… and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge… and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias… and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals.

Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for.

I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all… after all, we're all alike.

+++The Mentor+++

Mr_Cheese's avatar
Mr_Cheese 18 years ago

right and wrong is not hard to define. its simple. if hate related matieral / material that negetively affects other people (child porn / racism / terroism / corrupt online companies) to name just a few, they all negatively affect other people. i mean anyone where who argues they have a right to "freedom of speech" should be shot. how is that hard to define if it should be removed or not, its just common sense, i mean jeese its not hard. think for yourselfs its not hard.

and @ tancurrom, the idea of my article was to inspirate people to actually make them think about who/what they are. i did want to inspirate them asmuch as the manifesto did, but i wanted this article to be completely my own words and not taken from the manifesto. also this article and the manifesto give a different message. manifesto = "understand us, dont persecute us" .. True Hacker = "follow the correct path, become the right person".

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Nice article. However, I would like to inform you all that being this "True Hacker" can be difficult sometimes. I no longer notify companies if I find a vulnerability on their server. This is because of my previous experiences, where the company becomes so overwhelmed that they are insecure that they take it out on you, even though you were just trying to help them. I have been threatened with some lawsuits by a fairly large corporations when all I did was give them the details on the vulnerability and how to fix it (This is why you want to cover your tracks and/or use proxies, even if you intend on notifying them)… The most common reason: "Money had to be spent on upgrading a security interface", which was supposedly my fault.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Great article.