The True Hacker
The True Hacker

Hacker. There was a time, when the word was a respectable title and gave a sense of nobility to its bearer. Today the word "hacker" has been abused and poisoned to become a negative unethical title. Today people seem to think the title "hacker" is bestowed by ones self, when infact nobody should proclaim themselvse to be a true hacker, its a title bestowed by others.
Even those who follow the path of a hacker have forgotten its true meaning. In todays chaotic world, the True Hacker is struggeling to surive.
The True Hacker. A dying breed.
We need to take a good look at what we think a hacker is, and perhaps re-evaluate whether we can call ourselves a true hacker. How can we justify hacking and criticize negative stereotypes if we ourselves don’t even know what a hacker is.
With no one as a guide, with no one as a role model, people are left blind and mislead.
It is time for a change.
The True Hacker has a sense of enlightenment and wears his title with pride. Ethics form the essence of a True Hacker. They believe in improving this world and making a difference. It’s ambitious, and it’s reachable. They believe in, and uphold true ethics. No action is taken without good ethical incentive.
The internet is our home, it's where we belong. It is a great place and has such promising potential, but is plagued and polluted by unethical and dangerous sites. Racism, Child Pornography, Terrorist websites; to name but a few. Corruptive material like this is illegal to broadcast over TV / Radio, so why is it allowed to spread its harmful ideas over the internet.
A True Hacker enforces harmony throughout the Internet. They strive to protect what needs protecting. They nobly remove what needs to be removed.
A True Hacker is driven by divine ethics and does what is morally correct, for the good of everyone else.
A True Hacker will apply this philosophy to every aspect of life. Helping many people. Standing up for what one believes in, both online and offline.
However these qualities have sadly become rare and tainted.
The title of the True Hacker needs to be reclaimed. The stereotype and treatment of hackers relies on the amazing deeds of True Hackers.
It's time more people start using their powers for good. Using their powers to better the internet. Imagine a free and safe Internet, kept ethical and protected by hackers. Imagine the stereoptye of hackers, if groups infiltrated terroist forums undetected, and then send all information to relavent authorities. Imagine the stereotype of hackers if they infiltrated a racist forum and disclosed plans on racial attacks before shutting the forum down.
Imagine one of the largest online companies is notified about a urgent security issue, so it can fix it before possibily loosing millions of dollars.
Actions like these can save and improve thousands of lifes, yet sadly so few people use their knowledge in this way. Yet people today prefer to detroy hundreds of innocent sites just to have the illusion of fame.
With great power, comes great responsibility. No one can call themselves a "hacker" is they deface and damage random innocent sites. Hackers should be out there using their powers for gain of ethics, for the greater good. Hacking isnt a action, or the idea of defacing websites, hacking is a state of mind.
Being a True Hacker you have the power to do such good in this world and truely make a positive difference to hundreds of people all over the world.
This idea could become very real and it is time we started making a difference.
What part will you play?
Learn the way of the True Hacker and become enlightened.
Hacking isn’t just Computers & Exploits. It’s a Philosophy.
Join me. Make a difference.

ghost 18 years ago
lmao @ Jake, i know what your saying,"Money had to be spent on upgrading a security interface", which was supposedly my fault. News flash, i was your fault that they had to upgrade, but completely in benefit of themseleves. If they werent such asses, thinking that they were 100% secure then they would be fine. Cheese can you not see my point about right and wrong though, it is a individual decision which is which. Something like child porn might negatively affect someone, but someone might enjoy that (that was very difficult to say, i do not incourage it), i ask you, would you have all the porn sites taken down then?? (NO) So you are just doing what suites yourself, and in your opinion (the majority most of the time) what is 'right'.

Mr_Cheese 18 years ago
tancurrom - how the fuck can you sit there and say child porn is ok, coz people enjoy it just like other porn. fucking idiot. serioulsy, get out more and start to make decisions for yourself. it really isnt hard in the slightest deciding what is right and wrong. jesus.

ghost 18 years ago
i agree with Mr_Cheese, on that issue, but we do have to be careful as to freedom of speech. Certainly illegal site, such as child porn sites, should be brought down, but we can't, for example, take down a KKK site although it is wrong to us, it's depriving them of their rights. If we deprive other ppl's rights, we're basically Internet bullies, and that's not what we want, is it?

ghost 18 years ago
i dont think child porn is ok, what i… wait i just realised what i said in a different view. OMG. ( i was trying to put it into prespective, but i just realised that i was completely wrong)

ghost 18 years ago
thats a lot of comments and 20 f'ing awesome grades? there's oign to be a lot of premature ejaculation for the final version.

ghost 18 years ago
it's cool though :D
With great power, comes great responsibility. <= spiderman lol

Mr_Cheese 18 years ago
drew_m_noel - fucking idiot? how can you say KKK has a freedom of speech. fuckers should be shutdown. its illegal to spread race related hate, so why the fuck you say its ok? god dammit, am i the only one who can think for themselfs. jesus.

Thucydides 18 years ago
Mr_Cheese, I think I can enlighten you on drew_m_noel's comments. I seems to me that Drew is probably an American as myself, and in the US it is in fact, perfectly legal to spread race related hate through whatever medium is available. The FCC may regulate diry words here over t.v. and radio, but doesn't do anything about racism. And the US supreme court has only really put limits on free speech when they present a clear and present danger, which they ruled racism usually does not. I know though that freedom of speech would have different limits in the UK or other western countries though, just wanted to point out the problems of bringing up legality in an international forum.

Mr_Cheese 18 years ago
regardless if its legal or not, if they are gonna abuse their "right" to freedom of speech, then they have that right taken away. one can sit here and justify racism and argue "its ok because its their right". pfft.

ghost 18 years ago
First off, hats off to you Cheese as to finishing the final of this essay, very nicely written. As to some of the people talking about "where do you draw the line as to what is right and wrong?". There are no gray area's, only black and white. There is either bad or good. Since there is no government that really inforces the laws on racist sites and what not, that doesn't mean that those sites should be allowed to stay up, therefore the "True Hackers" who are the enforcers of the Internet, not necessarily the bullies, but the ones who are the closest thing to authorities on the Internet, who have to take down these bad sites. Sure there is the FCC for TV and Radio, but what about Internet….Nope. And that is exactly where the Ethical Hackers come into play. I can't really agree with you more Cheese. Thats my 2 cents.

ghost 18 years ago
mr_cheese although you did call me an idiot, i still agree. but we have to differentiate between morally wrong and simply having diferent views. yes, the KKK is morally wrong, point taken, but it'll get harder for us to exist. "defense site savagly attacked" and so on. im not afraid, but some ppl mite be cuz they're taking rights away(in the US anyway)

Mr_Cheese 18 years ago
well, if something is just a difference in opinion then leave it. i dont agree with the price of bus tickets and think its disgusting, but im not gonna do take down the bus companies website because they have expensive trickets. although i disagree with them, they're doing something legal and they arent harming anyone, so it can stay up. simple. if you have decent ethics its easy to work out what should stay and what should go.

ghost 18 years ago
for the last time, Black-Hats do NOT deface websites. Bored teenagers deface websites and the admins deserve what they get for taking someone elses sourcecode and not patching it when a vuln is found.
HBH is like some kind of monarchy, I see these people, and all they did was NOT lick mr_cheese's ass and they are banned. everyone seems to be artificially-smiling at him. Are they all idiots are just not brave enough to actually think about what he is saying? mr_cheese is proposing that himself and a handful of his friends are the last "good-guys" on the internet. That they are somehow poetic defenders of justice. However all he does is kiss his own ass and deface racist websites. Now, its clear that almost no one here has ever made a decent hack or written an exploit or vulnerability, however, let me tell you right now that mr_cheese is not some sort of intelligent or clever hacker, he simply was screwing around with this crew (I forget what they call themselves) and they found an RFI on a racist website and exploited it. Like Ive said before there is no such thing as a "True-Hacker". Its just a title mr_cheese has created for himself.

Mr_Cheese 18 years ago
you obvioulsy dont have a clue. a) you dont know what a blackhat stands for. b) no ones kissing my ass, they all have their own opinions. c) you have no clue on what i've done and how i've done it. very few actually do. d) you critisize my hacking which you know nothing about, yet you cant even get a simple IF statement in PHP to work.

ghost 18 years ago
Mr_Cheese: you have absalutely no right to define the word "hacker" this culture runs much, much deeper than you. You are trying to tell people like 30-year-old pro programmars that they are not "true hackers" and you are? you fucking hypocritical moron. Explain this article? what is this if not just an ego boost for yourself? every single decent hacker I have ever talked too about you has the same opinion: "noob". You say I dont know about you but its impossible not to with all the talking you do about yourself. Ill bet I can program a lot better than you can. later.