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I need help with app 3.

ghost's Avatar
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I cracked it, pressed enter and got the password, but when I used it on the site it didn't work. Is there more than one password or something and I didn't find the right one? >_>

ghost's Avatar
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pm me the pass. However, the challenge is working fine i checked it now, so maybe you have the wrong password.

ghost's Avatar
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Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Hopefully this isn't too much of a spoiler but, I opened it up in a hex editor(I'm using xvi32) and found where it said i h a v e n o l i f e. Then I changed that to i c r a c k e d i t. I saved it and ran the program, and it said icrackedit in the box. When I clicked enter it said Welldone, Press ok for the password. So I pressed OK and it gave me a pass. But when I try to use that on this site, it says its wrong. The other guy who posted here also said it was wrong. So how are you supposed to do it if that way isn't right?