Welcome to HBH! If you had an account on hellboundhacker.org you will need to reset your password using the Lost Password system before you will be able to login.

ghost's Avatar
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is that challenge working? i think i got password, but when i try it on hbh i got wrong password…it is broken down or i'm doing it bad?

ghost's Avatar
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^^^ k huge spoiler ^^^ ???

yeah i get

"Correct the password for HBH is 296*2, well done."

after i use ollydbg to jump to the right place, then use vb.net to read the output of the file (im sure there are easier ways, yeah)

maybe we both did this the same way, and it messed up with the algo.

ghost's Avatar
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yes i got thesame as you and don't know how to continue

ghost's Avatar
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i'm stumped at the same place, but i know what's the problem. i just don't have time to research it now..

search for pointer offsets

ZvirX's Avatar
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Ok i'm at the same point managed to view : "Correct the password for HBH is 296**, well done."

a positive number which btw doesn't end with "2" like everybody said :|

so i need a push in the right direction,

is the output of the "Correct the password for BlaBlaBla.." depend on what i input as a password or i don't have to enter a password in the first place to view "Correct the password for BlaBlaBla.." -and thats what i did btw -

so if what i did is right whats next ,I tried to convert that number to dec but no luck …


Uber0n's Avatar
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Since the randomize algorithm in this app is so predictable, you can run it and then guess what the password will be next time you run it (after a few seconds). When you get it right, it displays that password but HBH doesn't accept it :(

SySTeM's Avatar
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Uber0n wrote: Since the randomize algorithm in this app is so predictable, you can run it and then guess what the password will be next time you run it (after a few seconds). When you get it right, it displays that password but HBH doesn't accept it :(

Erm, that's because it's not the right password? You've done half the work, now use your head to finish it up.

ghost's Avatar
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Is it possible to get from that weird negative number that appears when you "Guess" the right number, to the actual password, without using a program like OllyDbg?

Aka: Is it a logic challenge from here on?

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I just finished this one, and would like to say that anyone in previous threads who went on about signed/unsigned integers is making things way too hard.

My hint: The zero flag, and a single call.

ghost's Avatar
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crashbird wrote: someone .. anyone…

please tell me what do i do after i get the negative number… what am i doing wrong..

It's confusing, isn't it ? Anyway, the password is hard-coded, so it's always visible… you'll just have to figure out what exactly is the password. ;)