Welcome to HBH! If you had an account on hellboundhacker.org you will need to reset your password using the Lost Password system before you will be able to login.

A app one question

ghost's Avatar
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OK so ya i found the password and yes ill say found it with a hint on the forums but one thing i dont understand the password for the site does not work in the app plus i found it in notepad not olly so what would use olly for if u can use notepad.

ghost's Avatar
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When you move onto the harder app's you'll need Olly, it allows you decomile the application, and see how everything works….

Reason you didnt find the password for the APP is because you have to see how the application works in Olly. And with Olly it allows you to see more then what is viewable through notepad.

lukem_95's Avatar
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in Notepad you can only see the the machine code, which contains some hex and some ascii text. Decompiling with OllyDBG or another equivalent program (say softICE) converts it ALL into hex, generates asm code, finds all the ascii strings that are hidden etc.

ghost's Avatar
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Well, I think you need to enter that password into the app then you get the pass for HBH….. Or maybe you already found that pass?