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Application 4

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I'm trying to (fully) decompile the application with no success. Do I need to undestand ASM? Because I just get ASM code. I tried many different decompilers with the same effect.

Any help would be appriciated!

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Debugger, not decompiler…

And you don't really need to know ASM… But that's what you'll be looking at… The earlier ones just require you to know how to find strings and stuff using debugger… Not how to actually understand it probably

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and what about the harder OR hardest ones?

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The 'hardest' is the extra one…. but its still very easy.

Apart from that is just about breakpointing in the right place and following jumps. These app challenges should take you seconds.

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This challenge is a easy one.. The pass can be found direct in file.. Search with Ollydbg.. You must have a little bit understand for asm, but not much.. Read the text strings in debugging mode… ;)

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This challenge is a easy one.. The pass can be found direct in file.. Search with Ollydbg.. You must have a little bit understand for asm, but not much.. Read the text strings in debugging mode… ;)