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ghost's Avatar
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i have found something that looks to be incryped and i do not know what tye of enctyption plz help g*********

ghost's Avatar
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there isnt any kind of encryption for this challange , the only tool you need to use is NOTEPAD ;)

ghost's Avatar
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i have tryed notepad and i got nowere …. i have olly and i found a bunch of garble would the Garble be the passwd

ghost's Avatar
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don't use olly open it in notepad again and try to find anything that looks like a word… just a normal plain english word…

ghost's Avatar
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if you think you have the password try entering in directly onto hbh i had to

ghost's Avatar
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if you find anything that looks like a password try it on both the app and the hbh password screen, (general rule for all apps), and note pad is all you need, and if my memory of this challenge is right, i wouldnt start at the start ;)

ghost's Avatar
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I have tried both right clicking on the app1 winzip file and looking for open with to find english words in the text . I was able to acheive this with the winrar zip but not if i try to right click on the application after extracting it . Does anybody else receive this occurence ?

Im also failing to find english words in the text from the winrar.zip of the application .

[EDIT] I found that you can actualy veiw two different text files of the apps . You can veiw one by opening the winrar.zip file in notepad and then you can also go into the winrar.zip file then rightclick the app1.exe /veiwfile . You will find two totaly different text files by doing this . Veiwfile method worked for me . I finished it now . [/EDIT]