Welcome to HBH! If you had an account on hellboundhacker.org you will need to reset your password using the Lost Password system before you will be able to login.

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Ok, I did this mission with ollydbg, got the password, entered it, it said the password fer hbh is "im not gonna post it"… but when i go to enter it, in hbh, it says invalid password…whatd i do wrong?

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if you had to patch the program flow without looking at the actual algo then it will show an incorrect password :)

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alrite, i dunno wat the crap yer talkin about, bcoz im dumb…but i didnt patch anything, and wat u said made me super confused…plz explain…and if it helps, is the pw supposto b the same as the pw yer supposto enter? SORRY IF SPOILER, BUT I DONT THINK IT IS COZ U NEED THE PASS ANYWAYS!

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wut he means is did u patch the application to show u "the password is….."

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A-BombeD wrote: alrite, i dunno wat the crap yer talkin about, bcoz im dumb…but i didnt patch anything, and wat u said made me super confused…plz explain…and if it helps, is the pw supposto b the same as the pw yer supposto enter? SORRY IF SPOILER, BUT I DONT THINK IT IS COZ U NEED THE PASS ANYWAYS!

this is the line where the compare is done :-

MOV ESI,crackme2.0040307E ; ASCII "6032F9CE9BA8D6E1" MOV EDI,crackme2.0040314A

The password you entered goes through the algorithm to become encoded. The encoded password is saved at address 0040314A.

The fixed password is saved at address 0040307E

The two are then compared (value wise) to see if they match, if they do then you have entered the correct password, and the text you entered is displayed back to you as the HBH password.

Therefore patching program flow is not an option as you will only get the text you entered displayed back. if you enter the correct password, then the compare above ^ should match.

  • Hints *

(1) The password is all lowecase (2) The password does NOT end in p (3) The start of the encryption algorithm is at 0040111A where the text you enter is loaded into the ESI register

hope that helps some?

ps, how many characters is the password you got?


This should not be too much of a spoiler as the challenge is to analyse the algorithm, reverse it, and find a password that matches. Byte patches will not work!