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i know how to get the c****, *** ***** message but it seems like thats misleading… is it possible that its telling me a lie? if the answer to my question is a spoiler just don't answer then. if you answer and say it's a spoiler… ill kinda know the answer.

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The chall works fine. Getting "c****, *** *****" message is easy, you get it only in determinated situations… Remember: this is not a patching challenge!

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ok. it just kinda seems like that condition will never produce the s****** message.

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styloverte116 wrote: ok. it just kinda seems like that condition will never produce the s****** message.

That's true. You can skip this point for now. But when u get the s****** massage u should remember this condition. It might help u to guess the missing peaces to finish the challange.


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yes i got it!!! thanks cypherhell and bani