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App 5 stuck...help

ghost's Avatar
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all questions answered. done challenge…it was a pain lol even with the right answer i was telling me i had it wrong…oh well all solved now

**New Question: I have everything done and it says I'm close and I just need to adjust it slightly. I'm really stuck now though. I have no idea what to change it to…I've tried a lot of different things and it says the same thing. I even tried putting random stuff there(completely changing the whole thing) and it says the same thing… Please can someone help me out here. You can post here or pm me.

OK I have got the *-(etc) thing changed.

I even have the enter changed with an *

So my enter now looks like **** (I had to take out the '' for the '' )

But it wont let me execute the enter with the shortcut now. Am I doing anything wrong? ^^Question answered^^

Futility's Avatar
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Other than giving away an omega spoiler, I don't think so. Maybe you're just not hitting the right button. (By the way, you should really edit that post.)

ghost's Avatar
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OK I tried it again and it worked. I had to make sure i executed the shortcut before the button went unclickable

Also edited the first post. Now I just have to edit the serial code a bit cause it's not 100% correct…hmm

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Bump for new question

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bump yet again…still stuck…bad…question edited into the very top of the first post…