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App3 and app5 help

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I have linux thus i cannot run the programs and get the passes. But i have cracked the progs(well i think i have.). i used a hexeditor and changed the code so that it will tell me the pass. But i do not have the DLL's (visual basic) so i was wondering if someone could help me. I will send them the progs that have been patched then they could see if they worked. And if they did send me the pass.

Thx this would be much appreciated. :)

PM if you are interested in helping me. or reply to this thread

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Have you tried using Wine and the VB6 DLLs?

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how would i use the VB DLL's or where do i download them.

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and yes my progs did work!

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LOck-doWN wrote: THX ALOT

and yes my progs did work!

Now can you please tell us what you have learned from this experience?

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Google any problem….then ask for help.