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Local Web Server & IP location Issue

Scar0ptics's Avatar
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I was thinking about hosting a website locally; however, I do not want the IP to be exposed as it will give away my approximate location. I know I can implement a reverse proxy, but I know a few networking commands will allow people to see past it. They could basically look up the IP and see where I live. I want to host a small site that I have full control of, including the server.

I am not going to host this site off of a Hacked modem either, as the modem is still going to register through a local CMTS, thus giving away my approximate location anyway ( same city lol)

I will use a free DNS service too, but you know how easy it is to resolve a domain name to an IP, so what difference would that make, other than making it easier to type into the browser.

rex_mundi's Avatar
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Not sure how your ISP assigns IP addresses, but mine is dynamic and depending on the range they assign, it shows me as either Glasgow or London, so a knock on the door based on my IP address isn't gonna happen, unless SKY give them my details.

If anyone does a reverse lookup all they will have is an IP address, and a list of sites that are hosted on that server, they have no idea if it's a commercial or residential IP address, or even if all the sites hosted there belong to the same person.

Using a free virtual dns means you can create an account that doesn't link back to you personally, and doesn't leave any whois domain registration that can be looked up, it's easier than remembering the different IPs, and looks way cooler, but it's no good for hiding your real IP, unless you proxy the router.

Scar0ptics's Avatar
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ok, I just wanted to make sure. I sent you a PM regarding an Apache Redirect.