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Real 7

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Alright im still trying to get the c*t.php action thing to work. I even used the one directly in the source and still could not find one that didn't give me a not found error then added the apachee files to the end of each directory like after home/ and after nbhs/ and after the last one but to no avail. Then also tried the one for the admin folder with the apachee endings without luck, also i tried some sql injection in the teacher thing and noticed that it might be injectable b/c it keeps giving errors. Can some1 direct me in how to go beyond just knowing the teacher id numbers and im thinking the mysql isn't injectable b/c its adding slashes to the hash as its saying sql error

ghost's Avatar
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Hello to all

I've a problem in real 7 in the same part.

also i'm not sure to set correctly the grades becouse i have more than one administrator and becouse the red strind grades changed doesn't appear.

The apache admin directory change from version to version and i can't find it. If you try to exploit the cet.php page ?d**y="the same value of hidden field" you get not found also.

The mission is working?
