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Real 5 - Can't login

ghost's Avatar
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Hello i've a problem whit the hash!

In the folder hashes i've found two hashes



f1a81d782dea6a**************** —–> s**d*r

I've cracked only the second….. I used Cain and the sites http://www.milw0rm.com/cracker/list.php http://passcracking.ru/index.php But the result is not found!

I've tried to login whit the second password and usere billsmith but don't work!! Any help please! Thanks for the attention

ghost's Avatar
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Larika :D age sex and location will ya.. im the hottest guy on HBH u'll ever meet.. :D

ghost's Avatar
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I'M A BOY….get a fuck up

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lol! you know it's possible that was a hint rather than actually hitting on you, but since I'm at the exact same spot, I'm only guessing. I've tried a healthy 100MB wordlist that usually works for most things, cain and passcracking.ru as well (other site is new to me, thanks). I don't mind that the hash is hidden in an odd spot, but I do mind having to crack a pass for days just for a challenge site. =)

ghost's Avatar
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Only one hash matters, and it can be cracked in 10-30 seconds by the first page you find if you search google for 'online hash cracker'. It tells you you can't log in, so what should you create? You just make something with the credentials you've already mentioned (username and password). You need to use inline something……

(I hope this isn't too much of a spoiler, they did the work, they just hit a wall.)

BTW, about the girl thing (even though you really aren't but I sttill want to comment), I personally know that it can be awkward to be a chick in a predominantly male field such as hacking, and stuff like asking a female-sounding name ASL instead of taking them seriously doesn't help. If there are any other girls reading this, ignore stupid stuff like that, we don't do that to all the guys we see, we shouldn't get it from them.

[EDIT]: Added more info.

ghost's Avatar
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Thank you

ghost's Avatar
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What mean "you need to use in line something"?

I used javascript to set my credential for username and password bui it doesn't work…i've tried user User USER Username USERNAME username and the relative form for the password. I've tried to put the hash pwd too.

What i'm wrong? There is an additional "credential" to set?


ghost's Avatar
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i logged in as jdoe but i can't see any email. I've tried to change my cookie whit javascript and refresh the page but it doesn't work!

The mission work? What i'm wrong?

ghost's Avatar
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Why don't you PM me with what you're putting in the cookies and I'll help you from there. The only thing I don't have done in this mission is exploiting the action to get to the reporting form, but I can help you with this part.