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Real 4 - R*****s Part

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Hello guys!!!

I'm confuse in the part of r*****s.

I've read all the messages in this forum and the article abaut this mission.

i'm confuse in the part of clear the record of Ghost in the recors file. all.php?(action)=(thing)&&id=(something) I've tried all the combination in my knownledge….:-) Nothing work…..i'm being crazy!

Anyone can help me to found the right command?

ghost's Avatar
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Urgh this challenge is hell.

ghost's Avatar
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i solved it lol :P but i forgot exactly how it was :S i solved it like.. last month though..

SySTeM's Avatar
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ghost's Avatar
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Larika wrote: all.php?(action)=(thing)&&id=(something)

That's from your article, you silly goose :p

SySTeM's Avatar
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So it is…lol

ghost's Avatar
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I need to read all the articles and messages before to start a mission. I'm here to learn not to guess the solutions.

So thank you for your great article and thanks everybody that post articles and messages to help people like me to learn.


I'm confuse here. My problem is the action? I'm tring all things remove,delete,update,drop etc etc but don't work

Can you give me some hints?

ghost's Avatar
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Thanks to system_meltdown and his article i've beat the mission 4.

You're the best

ghost's Avatar
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SlimTim10 wrote: [quote]Larika wrote: all.php?(action)=(thing)&&id=(something)

That's from your article, you silly goose :p[/quote]

Hi SlimTim10!!

its right! all.php?(action)=(thing)&&id=(something)

drag and drop from the article of system_meltdown :-P

ghost's Avatar
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Exact same problem….seems annoyingly common. Looking forward to any magical tips that get posted here to help us finally finish this very evil challenge. =)

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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I cannot seem to find a mi reference on any of the pages. Am i missing something?

EDIT: Silly me not looking hard enough. got the dir.

ghost's Avatar
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can you help me with the action:


hows that, please help me!!!

SySTeM's Avatar
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unknown_gamer wrote: can you help me with the action:


hows that, please help me!!!

Ok, that is completely wrong

ghost's Avatar
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that should do it, I think :P

SySTeM's Avatar
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superpimp wrote: delete=(something)&&id=(something)

that should do it, I think :P

No it won't do it

ghost's Avatar
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so how would it be, i did it all alone, until that step, so i went and see the article, but it didn´t help me

Please tell me a hint