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Realistic 1

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Hi ladys and gentelemens

I've found the two txt files. I know that i have to change the cookies and how do it. I have a question : the first step is to log in as JohnDoe? if yes, the password i've read that it'snt encrypted, so why the login as johndoe\**************** not work? Thanks for the attention

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A note to people who have done real cookie poisoning before:

The cookie you need to poison isn't already in your cookies. This is a mistake that I hope the HBH team will fix, as it makes the mission, well, less than realistic.

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do some research at the article section. Lots of information ready to be used for the challenges. So take a look overthere, read some forumposts and you will do fine. It is important to do research by yourself instead of asking the easy way.

cough js injection cough

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I just finished this challenge and I had no clue what to do. But thanks to all the people who gave incredible hints and spoilers in the "Realistic Forum". Check all the Realistic 1 forums and you will find all the information you need. Go to google and type: js injections.

You will find enough information about it. Be a bit creative, trial and error and you will find out. But be aware of the typos you can make :).

Another way to collect information is to go to several hacking websites because they also have good tutorials. It is al about learning and research.

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Yeah.. I did this one and it was kinda hard for me. If you need any help.. PM me.