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Real 8 (question after finished)

ghost's Avatar
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I have finished Real 8 with a brute forcer… And I think I didnt need to brute it. Could somone PM me confirming this, that I didnt need to brute the admin board? Or post it on the forum to give off a spoiler :p .

ghost's Avatar
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You know that I have beaten it, I just want a simple yes or no…

ghost's Avatar
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Yes, there is another way to beat it besides a brute forcer.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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ok, well if you could PM me how you completed it (if you didnt brute it). that would be very helpful. im 99% sure of how you did it, but it might be that 1% i hvnt taken into account :)

ghost's Avatar
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well i just beaten it a minute ago and i didnt use bruteforce,.. i didnt even login or anything:)

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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errr ok. could you PM me too? perhaps there is a bug.

SySTeM's Avatar
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I didn't brute force either

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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if your thinking about the buffer overflow, then that is also a corrent way to complete the mission

ghost's Avatar
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i made my own php script which uses cURL and it executes, gives me the password, but when i try to log in it dosent work! any1 kno whats wrong?