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ghost's Avatar
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Hi, Can you give me any hint on finding the directory name? Also is /mem/ not a partof the real name? And does the name have ../../ etc.?


ghost's Avatar
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hintmem is short for?hint

ghost's Avatar
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Well, It can be member,members, memory, memo, memsahib etc. I have tried all of them.

ghost's Avatar
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Hi, I found from an article that the directory name doesn't have /mem/ and that the file name doesn't have ' file ' in it. I am pretty sure abt the directory now. I am trying the trans***.*** part. I am pretty sure it is a t**t file. I am thinking of bruting the last three chars. I tried everything from transfer to transmit. Nothing works.


ghost's Avatar
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Hi, I found from an article that the directory name doesn't have /mem/ and that the file name doesn't have ' file ' in it. I am pretty sure abt the directory now. I am trying the trans***.*** part. I am pretty sure it is a t**t file. I am thinking of bruting the last three chars. I tried everything from transfer to transmit. Nothing works.


ghost's Avatar
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rite youve almost got it youve written the file name down already just think what the .*** could be what has 3 letters in it and is a file type think what note pad saves things as. as for the directory its something/mem/tran***.*** just think what dose mem look like its short 4?

ghost's Avatar
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Hi, I know the filetype and the directory. Its those last three letters of the FILENAME(not extension) that I don't get. TRansfer? transmit? I am bruting it :-D
