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Real 5

julabarton's Avatar
325 0

I am at the part where you get the hint about ?directory and can not seem to figure it out can anyone point me in the proper direction?

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
10 9

The name of the /dir is written in BillSmith email.

julabarton's Avatar
325 0

I was referring to the part after changing your IP address. I have the name of the directory.

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
10 9

can anyone point me in the proper direction? From the file manager .. go back one..

SilentThunderNL's Avatar
0 0

Totally stuck at the same point. simply go one dir up, does not work. ;)

SilentThunderNL's Avatar
0 0

Hahahaha, never mind, found it. :Dtee-hee

julabarton's Avatar
325 0

So I lowkey can't access the report thing. Can I pm someone? lmfao I have it all the way until the very last step.