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Realistic 17

henry123456789's Avatar
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I tried *** via *** but I did not succeed :

One huge spoiler removed

nothing seems to work . Any hint to push me in the right direction ?

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
3,050 6

The right way to go about it, but the wrong exploit type, try the other one.

henry123456789's Avatar
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LFI using php wrappers do not seem to give any effect .It does not work . I read many articles and books and see many commands about it . I tried all of them but without any effects . Is it really about LFI via php wrappers ? if yes may I , at least , get an article , that may be I do not , that can help me solve this challenge ? and if it is not LFI using php wrappers so may I , at least , know the name of this exploit ?

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
10 9

It's not an LFI, but this thread already says that.

henry123456789's Avatar
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it is not LFI so what is the name of the exploit that I should use to pass this challenge . I read about PHP wrappers in this link :


and googled many articles concerning php wrappers exploit but I did not find something useful . I am still lost . I need to know the name of the exploit or even an article that can push me in the right direction

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
10 9

The exploit is not local, and was probably mentioned in every article you read on LFIs, as it's a choice of 2.

Try the other one.

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
3,050 6

This thread is already one giant spoiler, naming the exploit outright would turn it into a walkthrough for the challenge.

You already did this in the basics.