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Realistic 13

henry123456789's Avatar
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I found the USERID of all users except for ychow and jbanf .

for ychow the most popular fish is the gold****

here I refer to the link in Intsys post :


and the USERID format is goldfish:!:****** but it is not accepted

I am sure I put the right password and username . I tried other popular aquarium freshwater fish like angelfish , catfish … but none of them worked . The hint1 is 100% true and begins by g***********

As for jbanf , hint2 is a large game fish and there are many , for example , in this article :


and I tried them all but none of them worked . For the hint1 I am sure that my result is true : a feline found in north , central and south America but again the result is not accepted . I need help :o

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
3,190 12

Since you have the passwords, just log into the program and ask it for the hints for the UIDs that you don't have.

The hint1 is 100% true and begins by g******** Yes it is and yes it does, but it's not a goldfish.

henry123456789's Avatar
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Since you have the passwords, just log into the program and ask it for the hints for the UIDs that you don't have.

it is mentioned in my first post that I already did it .

"Yes it is and yes it does, but it's not a goldfish".

I know what is hint1 and I know it is not goldfish .

it is mentioned too in my first post . All what you did is paraphrasing my first post . So what is new ?

the HINT2 is goldfish . The hint1 is *******

goldfish:!:******* is not accepted as a USERID

if goldfish is wrong for hint2 so any hint on what is this popular freshwater aquarium fish ? there is a lot of them which are popular :

look here :


which one I am supposed to put as hint2?

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
10 9

Rex smokes way too many Jazz cigarettes to be able to tell the difference between ones and twos, he should have said:

The hint2 is 100% true and begins by g**** but it's not a goldfish. tee-hee

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
3,190 12

Yeah, thats what I meant to say.

You know me so well.