Welcome to HBH! If you had an account on hellboundhacker.org you will need to reset your password using the Lost Password system before you will be able to login.

Help with Realistic 7

ghost's Avatar
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I'm having problems getting the admin hash. I've been trying different variations on ct.h?d*t=/he/ns/_/a***/.h******* but I always get a Not Found. I know there is a typo and to "pluralise" it, but still no luck. Can anyone give me a hint or maybe PM someone? Thanks.

starofale's Avatar
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You're not looking in the right directory. The password file doesn't need to be in the protected directory. Also, from the number of asterisks, you haven't pluralised anything even though you said you need to.

ghost's Avatar
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Thanks!!! Finally cracked it! Your post made me think about what I was actually doing. I mean why would a file for hashes be where I was looking? Next time I'll think BEFORE posting!!