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Question on realistic challenge 1

ghost's Avatar
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Hi. I've dabbled in this before, so it makes it all the more embarrassing. I've basically hit a wall with the first realistic challenge. I found the administrator's details in the images dir, used a javascript cookie injection to gain (what is supposed to be) admin priveleges. yet for some reason, after I change the software price to $0.50, nothing happens. I've used both firebug, and chrome's (strikingly similar in layout) version of the same basic thing. Yet, the challenge doesn't seem to end. If you could tell me what I'm missing, that would be much appreciated. Thanks.

starofale's Avatar
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When I change the price to $0.50 I get:

Why dont you try a little bit cheaper? The only value that seems to work for me is $1.

If this doesn't work, then check your cookies again to make sure you are still logged in as admin.

ghost's Avatar
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Okay, I'll try that. Thanks for the advice!