Welcome to HBH! If you had an account on hellboundhacker.org you will need to reset your password using the Lost Password system before you will be able to login.

real 7 /admin

ghost's Avatar
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I finally got the c***.p**?d***=///***/ to tell me congrats! bla bla bla and the admin username and password:


so i go to /admin and the pop-up where I'm supposed to log in keeps popping up asking for the username and password.

please help!! :wow:

yours31f's Avatar
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if it keeps popping up, your typing it wrong

ghost's Avatar
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yours31f wrote: if it keeps popping up, your typing it wrong

Can't it be something else, because i have tried many many times using that same username and password that i get from the previous step mentioned above.

stranac's Avatar
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If you are copy/pasting, there is a possibility there's an extra space or something.

I don't think there's a possible cause for your problem, other than the stuff you're submitting being wrong.

ghost's Avatar
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nope… no spaces, I tried typing each character very carefully properly capitalized and whatever else i could think of.

can't it be something else like the cookies, referer… or… i know how much you hate when noobs ask: the challenge might be broken?:right:

stranac's Avatar
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Can't really remember.

You needed to spoof a referer in this one, right? If you're still spoofing it, it could be a problem, but I'm just not sure.

I'm going to bed soon, but I'll take a look at the challenge tomorrow, unless you get it by then.

Oh, and the challenges are almost never broken.

stranac's Avatar
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esantini wrote: I finally got the c***.p**?d***=///***/ to tell me congrats! bla bla bla and the admin username and password:


That actually isn't username:password. For more information, look at this link: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/programs/htpasswd.html

Especially check the part about what it does to passwords.

ghost's Avatar
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Thanks Stranac, that was very helpful. :D

I hated the many threads that looked helpful but ended with: "PM me with what you're trying…"

RootsBabilonia's Avatar
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As I recall the password has not capitalized… I believe you do not have the password yet… What you have is the hash… Break it and get a password! ;)