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ghost's Avatar
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I logged in as admin and I deleted the post and added my own then it says…. Challenge Completed Please Wait… I waited forever but nothing…. WHat do I do????

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Challenge is working fine, Just tried it.

ghost's Avatar
0 0

Well it tells me completed please wait….. Then it does nothing. There is nothing more to do to the challenge I did what it asked me to.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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What browser are you using? Check your settings for cookies and any extensions or add-ons.

ghost's Avatar
0 0

Okay I got it. I switched to IE and it worked fine. Thanks for the tip.

ghost's Avatar
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If you added more information, the administrators could debug it so that it wouldn't happen to other people.

SySTeM's Avatar
30 0

If memory serves well, it's either a Meta redirect or a JS redirect, so it could be you have disabled these.

ghost's Avatar
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system_meltdown wrote: If memory serves well, it's either a Meta redirect or a JS redirect, so it could be you have disabled these.

If you have Firefox with the NoScript AddOn, it probably explains itself.