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help needed to decode hash

thehare's Avatar
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Ok I am just wondering I have a hash from realistic 12 but right now I am having technical difficulties with John the ripper, so I was wondering if I could send some =one the hash so they could decrypt it for me.

thehare's Avatar
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What I am trying to do is open it with CMD, and open it from there, after I get to the program I have tried to execute the program like this

start john-386(name of the program)

but all it does is blink on and off for a second.

Is there something I am doing wrong?

ghost's Avatar
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thehare wrote: What I am trying to do is open it with CMD, and open it from there, after I get to the program I have tried to execute the program like this

start john-386(name of the program)

but all it does is blink on and off for a second.

Is there something I am doing wrong?

If your doing this in windows open cmd, go to john directory and type

john-blah –wordlist=PASSWORD.LST hash_location.txt

or what ever dictionary you want. if you want to brute force it, just leave the wordlist part out.

thehare's Avatar
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Thanks I at least got somewhere with that but now i have an error that says no password hashes loaded

I entered the command like this:

john-386 –wordlist.lst hash.txt

(hash.txt is the name of the hash file)

Why am I receiving the error for?

thehare's Avatar
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moshbat wrote: Well, is your wordlist called "wordlist.lst"?

LOL thanks I was misspelling the list, thanks.

thehare's Avatar
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I am still receiving the same error I have checked all my files to make sure their spelled correctly and they are but it is not working.

The command I am using is:

john-386 –wordlist=PASSWORD.LST hash.txt

Is there a problem that I am not noticing.

ghost's Avatar
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wheres the hash.txt, if its at C:\hash.txt you need to specify that, just hash.txt will only work if thats in the run directory, or current working directory.