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clone4's Avatar
Perl-6 Wisdom Seeker
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ok so I've gone all the way to the report, but I just can't send it, I always get the error that user doesn't exist… can i pm someone what I'm entering, because seriously i've got no idea what's wrong, and btw yeah I did mind capitalization and I've checked both forum and articles :(

thx to anybody who helps

Futility's Avatar
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This part sucked. It took me…forever to figure it out. In the end I PM'd one of the admins about it and they told me what I was doing wrong. Under the 'company' field, you need to put the where the guy works, (mind capitalization) not where he's downloading the music.

If that still doesn't work, shoot me over a PM and I'll take a look.

clone4's Avatar
Perl-6 Wisdom Seeker
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yep that was it, i had been entering Kazaa… This kinda stuff makes me wanna kill myself:evil:

but thanks alot