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yours31f's Avatar
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ok im stuck on real 11 and really want to finish but i don't know javascript. any1 got a real 11 script i could use? please pm me with one if you do.

Futility's Avatar
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If you don't know javascript….then learn it. That's what this site is all about- learning about security and how to bypass it, not asking other people to give you answers. Theres another thing, you're not even asking for help, you're asking for answers. Maybe you should take your own advice and leave.

ghost's Avatar
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Where are you using JS on Real 11?

If you want some help, you need to give us a little more information and ask the proper questions :)

ghost's Avatar
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yours31f wrote: ok im stuck on real 11 and really want to finish but i don't know javascript. any1 want to do all the hard work coding the javascript and just give me it so i dont learn anything?.


You have been told in other threads to start at the bottom and work up but yet we have another thread basically asking for the answer.

I offered to help you on real 3 providing you actually attempted it but i never got a PM so i assume you want to keep jumping in at the deep end and wondering why you cant do it.

You can still pm me about real 3 but only after you have read all the articles and had a good attempt.