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Realistic one for a total noob

ghost's Avatar
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Hi guys, let me first thank you for attempting to help me.Ok Well, I am logged in as johndoe I know the picture has something to do with it, it's a file, and it says images/one.jpg. but the problem is Everyone is talking about–go into the directory and BAM you got the password…but I dont know how to get into the damn directory! Please for the love of GOD help me. Thank You


ghost's Avatar
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Are you serious?

Remove the filename from the end of the directory and go to the new location in your browser.





to see the directory listing

ghost's Avatar
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To the OP:

Once you follow the steps in the post above, the next step I would take (if I were you) is to quit doing Realistic Challenges. You OBVIOUSLY don't have enough knowledge to handle basic tasks and, if you're stuck on Real 1, there's NO WAY you'll make it through the following ones. Start with small steps, like the Basic challenges.

ghost's Avatar
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he has the right idea its not that he does not get it. he just needs to think a little. Stop being such a dick try and help the man not put him down. jeez

flame_1221's Avatar
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you're to late man:p

ghost's Avatar
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i noticed after i posted heh