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N00bH4773R's Avatar
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  1. What languages do you speak?


  1. How did you find the site? Searched the web for certain types of training and HBH showed the most results throughout my searches along with others.
  1. What made you want to learn how to hack? I have always been interested but never took the initiative to truly learn, I have always been a Skid and realize that if I want something like a JOB I should learn the behind the seens in order to understand how everything is actually created and how it works, therefore teaching how to reverse engineer it or bypass it, etc… End state: I want to experience the hack, learn from the best and network friendships with other hackers and truly hack. who knows maybe even be known one day, at least in the trenches.
  1. What do you want to learn? I want to learn Advanced Web, WiFi, Apps, Java, Proxies, be undetectable, Windows OS, Patching, Keygen, Boxing, How to use everything in Backtrack, etc…

I want to EARN my HAT hence the NOOBHATTER, teach me, progress me through the ranks, mentor me.

  1. How long have you been interested in computers? What keeps you interested in them? My first computer was a Tandy 1000 then a Commodore 64. I have been into Computers since I can remember, I have always been a Gamer, DEUS EX was my fav when it first came out and years before it was mainstream, Fallen Haven and Guerrilla before it became Pocket Tanks. As you might figure, Technology continues to advance and so does security, I need to stay in the know and do my part. I expect too much from myself and if I don't understand the concepts it drives me mad, so here I am ready to learn.
  1. Anything else you wish to tell us. I can be resourceful and I am Always out to help anyone that needs a helping hand. Blue is my Favorite color

Thank you for your time and patience, I promise I will research as much as possible to understand before posting for assistance, which means I truly do not understand the mechanics of something or how to properly put it all together.

Thanks Again :)

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
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Nice intro man, welcome to HBH, hope you enjoy your time here.

If you need any help you can drop me a PM. thumbs up

N00bH4773R's Avatar
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thumbs up Thank You, Great to be here. Love the site.

Spent the last 18 hours or so reading a majority of past threads under most topics and have been highly impressed with most discussions.
