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Hey all

thehare's Avatar
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Hey everyone, old member coming back to the site, was never all that talkative so if some of the older guys are just staring blankly at their screens wondering who the fuck I am thats why lol.

Just trying to get back in the swing of things in terms of programming and what not, so I thought what better way to do so than to come back to HBH and see what I need to relearn and what I completely forgotten while having some fun with the challenges again.

Little bit about myself:

Functional with HTML, CSS, PHP and Python (though like I said before, I'm pretty damn rusty with these languages so if you need any help, sure you can send me a PM, though you might just make me as confused as you are).

Just thought I'd stop by and say hey,


rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
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Well I remember you man, as you already know. Welcome back again. :D

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
10 9

Nice to see an old familiar name back man, hope you hang around a while. ;)