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Amazingred finally speaks

Amazingred's Avatar
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I've been lurking around here on and off for a while already. Didn't want to chime in until i had given the site a full field test.

I originally came over from sheer boredom to fiddle with your challenge missions to pass the time. From the looks of things around here i'll probably become more than just a shadow . I like the big collection of knowledge you've got here (like several other sites i've seen) that somehow manages to stay organized (Unlike those other sites) and not flooded with useless threads that push the good info several pages back making problem research a nightmare.

If i can be of any help just give me a shout.

I'm mostly an applications programmer (stand alone) for both nix and windumb systems. Object oriented programming and problem solving tasks are my comfort zones but when it comes to web interactions/servers/encryption (aside from copyright/licensing stuff) and pretty much any other kind of net related coding you'd be better off asking a high school "Typing 101" teacher. Thats generally what I'll be learning here.

I prefer to code in C+ Python and perl mainly but I've been getting into PHP and Java a bit more since I've been teaching myself more about encryption and server coding.

I guess thats about as interesting as I'm going to get for a first post introduction. I'll look up/hook up to your site preferred webchat (irc I'm assuming) shortly once I look up the details.

Let me know if I can help with anything. Glad to be here.

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
3,050 12

Happy to have you here man, welcome to HBH. :)

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
4,025 19


Currently we don't have an IRC server. We have a few replacement in the works.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Welcome Amazingred, If you have any questions or problems with the site, Feel free to send me a PM. Enjoy your stay. thumbs up