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Greetings from kojismoring

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Hello everyone! Happy to see you all (again). I'll follow doom's suggestions on first post:

  1. I speak english, french, german and serbian.

  2. I have been a member before but i forgot my password… I think i joined in 2005 (will go trough my old emails).

  3. I found out about the site by using google. My intention wasnt to learn how to hack, it was more on the line of "how does this work and how can i make it do funny things". Also, im not a security researcher nor i plan to be one - im studying economics and "hacking" is something that i seriously got addicted to. I want to grow in as many ways as possible in this field. I also did some HTS stuff but not any more.

  4. I want to learn C/++ (got some books and struggling trough them). Whatever i pick up on the side will be more than awesome.

  5. I got in touch with computers when my dad got a Sinclair. I wasnt even able to walk in that time. After that it went from Atari and Commodore to i7s. Since i grew up with them, computers are like an everyday thing.

  6. All i want to do is learn. If anyone wants to help me (im pretty stuck on some things), that would mean a lot to me.

Thanks for reading this huge ass post :)


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kojismoring wrote:

  1. I speak english, french, german and serbian. I'm impressed - that's four times as many as I speak.

kojismoring wrote:

  1. I have been a member before but i forgot my password… I think i joined in 2005 (will go trough my old emails). If you remember your old username you could just look it up on here, plus some people might remember who you are.

kojismoring wrote:

  1. I want to learn C/++ (got some books and struggling trough them) Keep at it!

kojismoring wrote:

  1. All i want to do is learn. If anyone wants to help me (im pretty stuck on some things), that would mean a lot to me. Your best bet is to ask questions in the forum or on IRC.

kojismoring wrote: Thanks for reading this huge ass post :) You're welcome :)

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@Starofale: hope u got that network adapter running smooth on w ^_^ thanks for the info!

@TSG: thank you for the offer, i will get to you on that.

@MoshBat: Yeah, ive got a couple so im going trough chapters of each one, checking the differences and getting more exercises. I dont really like The Dummie series… The ones im reading "Cpp without fear a beginners guide " and Jesse Libery' "C++". Should be fine.

I still need more php, javascript, sql… Days dont have enough hours ;)