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Generic New Member Tips

t0xikc0mputer's Avatar
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Welcome! If you wanna learn some quick info and have some fun with us at the site, hit up the IRC. If you are anything like I was, you will have no idea what the IRC is. It basically is a type of chat room (IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat). What you will need to do, is download a program called xchat 2 (there are others, but this one requires the least set up) http://silverex.org/download/ and then learn some basic IRC commands. http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html You just need to play around with it, and you will get it. This is what you can enter the first time (you must enter it in the area where you would enter what you want to chat) You can see it here

markup/server -ssl irc.psych0tik.net 6697 and then markup/join #hbh

What that does is it connects to the server on the correct port, and then joins the #hbh channel. I could have just told you to go here and entered a nickname, but that would be no fun, would it?

Also, I advise you not to enter the mentor forums without looking at some previous posts. What I mean by this is that most times when people ask for mentors, they don't end up staying on the site for very long.

On the subject of programming languages, it is generally recommended that you learn C or C++, but I personally recommend PHP because it actually is a web language, and I favor it.

If you need help with something, the first thing that you should do always is look it up on Google. If you can't find an answer then, then you should search the hbh forums and articles for someone who may have asked the same question. Only then, do you write a forum post asking for help.

The final piece of advice: don't jump into the whole "hacking" aspect. Many people who come to this site only come because they think that in two hours that they will be able to hack any website. This is a place of learning where you will learn certain skills. If there is any mention of how to hack a website, I am sure that you won't be here long for two reasons: 1. You will have left because you couldn't fulfill the reason you came 2. You will have been banned.

Once again welcome, and it would do you good to follow the above advice, although you may interpret it freely.


BufferOverflowAttack's Avatar
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This is nice. However, It would make a better Article. That way, if people want to read this, they don't have to look through all the other forum posts.

t0xikc0mputer's Avatar
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Maybe, but is it long enough for an article? Also, they won't have to look through to find it, I put it in my sig. Just look!


spyware's Avatar
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Generic disapproving post.

t0xikc0mputer's Avatar
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spyware wrote: Generic disapproving post. What do you mean? Are you disapproving that as an article? I'm confused.

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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t0xikc0mputer wrote: [quote]spyware wrote: Generic disapproving post. What do you mean? Are you disapproving that as an article? I'm confused.[/quote]

Spyware has a general disapproval of almost everything.

Arabian's Avatar
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Generic hilarious hyperbolic non-sequitur

t0xikc0mputer's Avatar
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stealth- wrote: [quote]t0xikc0mputer wrote: [quote]spyware wrote: Generic disapproving post. What do you mean? Are you disapproving that as an article? I'm confused.[/quote]

Spyware has a general disapproval of almost everything.[/quote]

Yeah, forgot about that.

ghost's Avatar
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t0xikc0mputer wrote: Maybe, but is it long enough for an article? No, it isn't long enough, nor is it the type of text that should be submitted as an article. Change the title to something that would actually make new people who go to introduce themselves read it and it could be stickied. Remember, it's an existing feature there for a reason.

t0xikc0mputer's Avatar
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COM wrote: [quote]t0xikc0mputer wrote: Maybe, but is it long enough for an article? No, it isn't long enough, nor is it the type of text that should be submitted as an article. Change the title to something that would actually make new people who go to introduce themselves read it and it could be stickied. Remember, it's an existing feature there for a reason.[/quote]

Sure, okay.

title changed Is that good?

Also, it really doesn't matter to me that it is not suitable for an article. That's why I posted it in the forums in the first place. Thanks though.