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Legilimens's Avatar
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  1. What languages do you speak? I know most of HTML, Javascript, and am learning Java

  2. How did you find the site? StumbleUpon and one of my friends

  3. What made you want to learn how to hack? I googled hacking after my friend suggested that I learn, and since I passed the idiot test on HTS, I felt quite proud of my self. And, at the time I started learning HTML, school was moving really slowly, so I decided to teach myself something.

  4. What do you want to learn? Everything and anything anyone wants to teach me

  5. How long have you been interested in computers? What keeps you interested in them? I've just recently become interested in computers (around February of this year, I didn't know what a cookie was, so when I say I want to learn everything, I mean everything). Before discovering a whole new world of computers, most of my time was spent reading or writing short stories, so hence the literary references. Since I'm rather new at this, I'm not exactly sure what keeps me attracted. It's probably the fact that it's more learning by doing than learning by analyzing. Why I decided to stop reading and learn more about computers was because in school, language arts became more and more about analyzing other people's works rather than reading them or creating your own.

starofale's Avatar
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Welcome. :)

It's always good to have new members (… well almost always)

BufferOverflowAttack's Avatar
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Welcome to Hellbound Hackers. Like you, I've been taeaching myself about computers. In school, the teachers will just keep you at the same level as everyone.

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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Heh, that's an interesting history. Welcome, hope this is a good learning experience. :happy:

t0xikc0mputer's Avatar
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Bonjour. You started pretty much the same way as me. If you wanna learn some quick info and have some fun with us at the site, hit up the IRC. If you are anything like me, you will have no idea what the IRC is. It basically is a type of chat room(IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat). What you will need to do, is download a program called xchat (there are others, but this one requires the least set up) http://xchat.org/download/ and then learn some basic IRC commands. http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html You just need to play around with it, and you will get it. This is what you can enter the first time (you must enter it in the area where you would enter what you want to chat) You can see it here

markup/server -ssl irc.psych0tik.net 6697 and then markup/join #hbh

What that does is it connects to the server on the correct port, and then joins the #hbh channel. I could have just told you to go here and entered a nickname, but that would be no fun, would it?

Also, I advise you not to enter the mentor forums without looking at some previous posts. What I mean by this is that most times when people ask for mentors, they don't end up staying on the site for very long.

On the subject of programming languages, it is generally recommended that you learn C or C++, but I personally recommend PHP because it actually is a web language, and I favor it.

If you need help with something, the first thing that you should do always is look it up on Google. If you can't find an answer then, then you should search the hbh forums and articles for someone who may have asked the same question. Only then, do you write a forum post asking for help.

The final piece of advice: don't jump into the whole "hacking" aspect. Many people who come to this site only come because they think that in two hours that they will be able to hack any website. This is a place of learning where you will learn certain skills. If there is any mention of how to hack a website, I am sure that you won't be here long for two reasons: 1. You will have left because you couldn't fulfill the reason you came 2. You will have been banned.

Once again welcome, and it would do you good to follow the above advice, although you may interpret it freely.


EDIT: Thanks to starofale, I now know that it is actually http://silverex.org/download/ to download xchat 2 not the link that I have above.

starofale's Avatar
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t0xikc0mputer wrote: http://xchat.org/download/ It was less than a month ago you installed that, wasn't it? Once you have used it longer than a month please correct me if I'm wrong , but at the moment I'm still not convinced that XChat is free on Windows.

http://xchat.org/windows/: Q. Why can't XChat for Windows be free? A. It's free to try for the first 30 days! Developing XChat for Windows is a difficult process, it requires quite some skill and expertise to accomplish. We ask for a small fee that helps continue development and cover expenses.

However, I do know that X-Chat 2 is free for Windows http://silverex.org/

Legilimens's Avatar
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starofale wrote: Welcome. :)

It's always good to have new members (… well almost always)

Should the "well almost always" worry me? And thank you to everyone here. I'm well aware that learning how to hack is a long process and that I can't expect to be able to hack something any time soon. (I'm sorry if the last comment made me sound very snobby, I just couldn't word it any better) What do you recommend that I learn how to do first? I'm completely new at this, and I've never taken a single computer course (everything that I know is self taught, with someone there to direct questions towards once in a blue moon)

starofale's Avatar
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Legilimens wrote: Should the "well almost always" worry me? Well I wasn't referring to you. It's up to you if you want to worry about some of the not-so-good members we get here.

Legilimens wrote: What do you recommend that I learn how to do first? PHP, SQL, Python, C. My ordering of this list isn't significant - learn whichever you like first. And install Linux (or at least use it in a VM).

Arabian's Avatar
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starofale wrote: [quote]Legilimens wrote: Should the "well almost always" worry me? Well I wasn't referring to you. It's up to you if you want to worry about some of the not-so-good members we get here.

He was talking about me.

starofale's Avatar
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Arabian wrote: [quote]starofale wrote: [quote]Legilimens wrote: Should the "well almost always" worry me? Well I wasn't referring to you. It's up to you if you want to worry about some of the not-so-good members we get here.

He was talking about me. [/quote]

Yes. I can't stand people who can't quote correctly.