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ghost's Avatar
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  1. What languages do you speak? (And no, '1337 speak' doesn't count)I speak English, some Spanish , a little Japanese, a very small amount of German and Korean.
  2. How did you find the site?I found this site from the site Hackthissite and needless to say I came, I saw, I stayed.
  3. What made you want to learn how to hack? Ever since I was a little kid I made it a point to find a way of over coming obstacles and discovered cheat codes for N64. From there i continued with the new games as they came out and just kinda transitioned to computers.So I guess I eventually fell down the rabbit hole and liked wonderland and decided never to leave.
  4. What do you want to learn? I fancy myself something of a Renaissance Man, and as such like to learn how to do many things even if i can never master them because of the shear number of them. Because I know I don't have time to learn everything and am sick of malware infected skiddie that don't work or needing a hundred of them for every thing, I want to make my own and learn what I can.
  5. How long have you been interested in computers? What keeps you interested in them? I've been interested in computers since I was a little kid, because of video games. I stay interested in them because they are the present and the future and I spend a lot of time on them and even depend upon them.
  6. Anything else you wish to tell us. um…sere…My personality vary to my surroundings ( assuming I care where I am ,when I am, at the exact moment I am there ,or not there , where ever there is that is if there even exist because I'm always here were I am and not actually there technically ) and my mood ( Unless my mood is not having mood in which case my personality contradicts my mood which is having no mood). So I am ether overly inscrutable, analytical,and clever or completely capricious in my behavior, or possibly act completely contradictorily to well every thing that is apart of reality,logic,and or reason, and well…..everything I said before actually saying (or typing) now ( or in the future after I've already said/typed what I said before actually now, then) I guess everyone would have to describe me differently for the simple reason that there was absolutely no reason in what I just said.

ghost's Avatar
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Welcome to Hellbound Hackers. Enjoy your stay. Consider google or a search engine before anything else. Do you program? Or are you more of a web scripting person?

ghost's Avatar
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scripting but trying to learn programing.

spyware's Avatar
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Ah, polymathic aspirations. Bravo.

Be sure to connect to the IRC channel (natalya.psych0tik.net, enable ssl) with a decent client.

Don't take the challenges on HBH too seriously, they're mostly meant as metaphorical exercises, nudges toward a greater and deeper endeavour which you'll have to instigate yourself.

ynori7's Avatar
Future Emperor of Earth
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Welcome to HBH ShinigamiDred.

spyware wrote: (natalya.psych0tik.net, enable ssl) irc.pysch0tik.net should direct to whichever node is currently being used. Probably easier to remember too.

spyware's Avatar
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ynori7 wrote: irc.pysch0tik.net should direct to whichever node is currently being used. Probably easier to remember too.

Sure, practical. However, natalya has a better ring to it, don't you agree?

ghost's Avatar
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spyware wrote: [quote]ynori7 wrote: irc.pysch0tik.net should direct to whichever node is currently being used. Probably easier to remember too.

Sure, practical. However, natalya has a better ring to it, don't you agree?[/quote]

A better ring, yes, but less reliable. Using the irc.psych0tik.net alias will ensure you always get an active server, even if we take natalya down for maintenance.

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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Welcome ShinigamiDred. Please work on your linebreaks/punctuation a little in the future, that was almost painful to read >.>

Aside from that, hope you enjoy your stay.

ghost's Avatar
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Thanks for the welcome, Ill be sure to check out the irc and work on "linebreaks/punctuation" :D