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ghost's Avatar
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Evening gents/Ladies,

I'm chompy, well not really but on here i am.

I'm a systems engineer for an SEO company and stumbled upon this site after an afternoon of boredum.

I've been researching various forms of hacking for years, I bought the CEH coursework about 4/5 years ago. It was hidden away for a long time until recently I installed RH and Solaris on a VMWare machine and decided I had to have *nix in my life again, so off i went and created a few live CD's, saw the good old " ~ $ " and kicked off a drive to do something a bit more intresting than user account management and DFSR's.

So up until recently i've been managing Windows server stuff, the usual sys admin stuff ( Configuring switches, patching cabinets, falling asleep under the aircon in the server room)

I've now taken more of an active role in securtiy within the company so have decided to take it upon myself to get up to scratch, read my head off and try have some fun along the way.

I can't really code all that well at the moment (i can do logon scripts in VB, a bit of HTML and a bit if JAVA)but given a peice of code i can identify what does what and what shouldn't go where. So think i've got a good base to start on.

Anyways i'll probably be kicking around for a long time and hopefully learn a thing or two.

Oh an a random fact…..i'm listening to thunderdome, an amazing set of albums very few people seem to have heard of!


spyware's Avatar
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korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Welcome and have fun here. Hmmm, falling asleep while working that's never happened to me before. :D

ghost's Avatar
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Welcome mate its good to catch up with u again ;)

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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Hello there, hope you learn something while here. I'd recommend starting with a decent programming language, as well.