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My overdue intro

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Well though I join in March 31, soon after I ended up leaving. At that time i wasn't really ready I didn't think. But, on 2-15-09 I returned with much more insight than before :) so here is a few quick bullets on me….(well maybe not quick…)

…skill: ~PHP been with it about 2 years and I have mastered PHP quite well, my style is kinda random I code many things that have no point but are fun to make http://rackfree.net/p4/noname.php and use http://rackfree.net/p4/noname.phps to see the source just a simple random sample,,,,, note that yes you can probably XSS the script I have not really secured it yet I am aware of that. I have another script that I am working on first.

~HTML, CSS, JS I know them all enough to make decent layouts and decent client activity but I'm not very good at visualizing end product so sometimes end results are very odd indeed.

~C++ A recent language I am starting to learn, in many ways the same as PHP, pointers, templates are a bit new to me but I understand what they are for at least

~flash/action script this is something from this year that I learned for school, but while not very good in design I can do much better with the actionscipt portion….but in "advance computer" we design our school web page…. (story break) …There are only 8 of us in the class however me and one after person are doing other things in that class most of the time we are working on finding loopholes then going down to the school IT and say hey you messed up again. We always have the school on our toes :) (end story)

general about me: ~I listen to all sorts of metal ~I love puzzles (I own over 10 variations of the rubiks cube including my 7*7 which is awesome) ~I like to argue but I do admit defeat when I am wrong ~I am willing to learn and willing to help people learn as well ~16 years old been with computers 2 years total ~I get board easy in school and frequently have my rubiks cubes out teaching them how to solve em the way I learned….."match the pieces" method its not the correct way but I figured it out that way….irritates teachers a lot but I don't care lol ~my grades suck because I dont do my work but I do pass all my classes C or better because I ace tests ~When I hack I do it for fun and always report findings so that they can be fixed and I can try again. ~while I am here I hope to learn as much about web hacking as possible to secure many of my apps I build.

How I got into computers: Well it started two years ago when my mom put "net nanny" on my computer, and even though I had no real computer knowledge when it started to make me mad blocking common sites I decided to destroy it. Then i started looking for processes related to netnanny and killing them but that didn't work so i started messing around with it and managed to kill the process tree. After that I removed start up entry and my computers goal was set in motion. Now I am here :)

So thats me questions comments I'm all ears :)

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Geeze, I feel like I'm in Southern California on a comming out day with all of these introductions.

First of all, you remind me of me but have a lot more knowledge. I started with computers similarly, by finding ways to get around the program that was seperating me from my beloved porn. I also went through school with all C's through acing the test, and I have this simple advice - go to college and try. Do something you're really really interested in, and if its not computers then keep learning hacking and such on the side.

The people here will make you twice what you are by the end of the year, but only if you let them. So take advantage of that. I might be inexperienced, but I've come so far since joining this site.

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sharline23 wrote: Geeze, I feel like I'm in Southern California on a comming out day with all of these introductions.

First of all, you remind me of me but have a lot more knowledge. I started with computers similarly, by finding ways to get around the program that was seperating me from my beloved porn. I also went through school with all C's through acing the test, and I have this simple advice - go to college and try. Do something you're really really interested in, and if its not computers then keep learning hacking and such on the side.

The people here will make you twice what you are by the end of the year, but only if you let them. So take advantage of that. I might be inexperienced, but I've come so far since joining this site.

Hah, its funny how such small things can put you in motion to being so good with computers :)

As for college its computers for me, its a subject I really excel in and I believe that I can do some amazing things when I put my mind to it.

I may think twice but I'm not going to let them detour me from my goals in computers and hacking in general :)

Thanks for that last bit of advise though I shall defiantly bare it in mind, thanks a lot!

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Hello!~ ^____^ glomp

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Welcome! (nice introduction) :)

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Thanks, its fun to be here interesting challenges, I will be entertained for awhile here :)