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ghost's Avatar
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I joined HBH in 2006, after having checked out HTS (like so many others). At the time, I was a VB.Net coder (and a shoddy one at that). I stayed quiet for about the first 4-6 months and just did the challenges. I would always read the forums, but never post… just reading and absorbing what information I could while I did challenges. At some point, that changed… and I joined the forum-posting members cautiously and sensibly. As I grew more comfortable in the forums, I started to become more free with my bold posts and irrational reasoning.

At that point, I received my first flame from skarecrow. It taught me so much. I learned that the key to effective communication is to make sure that you're as right as you can ever be before you post… anything. So I did. Even if I was pretty sure that I knew the answer to a question, I looked it up to double-check before posting. I even do that now sometimes… but I did it so much more back then.

For about a year, I made my presence known by soaking in all questions and answers as either new or verified knowledge. I posted with the certainty of someone that did put in the effort. I met a number of people that I became cool with over that time… netfish, kaksii, Skunkfoot, Uber0n, spyware, and numerous others. Towards the end of that year or so, I met Futility (back when he had the 300 avatar and was new… not admin by far) and root_op (back before he was admin). I met only_samurai and What_A_Legend back before they were admins. I can't remember all the names now… but, this community was composed of some of the highest quality members I have ever seen this place have.

Then, they started leaving… because nothing happened. New members in, old members out… and nothing happened. People wanted updates, new features… They suggested them… and nothing of consequence.

I just left one day and didn't come back for a while… gave myself time to wonder if I would. Forgot about HBH off and on, but kept thinking about coming back. Didn't know why I would. One day, I just realized why I was supposed to come back: It needed one more chance from me. I needed to try to help it see the positive times that it should've been having back when the members were 100 times better than they are now (for the most part).

Some of you remember me as being harsh as times… Some remember even the old, inexperienced me. Most of you just know me as I am now: "The Evil Dictator". Each facade has been to meet a need, and I've only ever tried to speak in the best interest of the community according to an analysis of the person I was speaking to.

I asked to be admin. That's right, there's no secret application or special routine that you have to follow. I sent a PM to Cheese and asked to be admin… and, for whatever reason, I was accepted. Granted, I put a great deal of effort into the request and referenced my previous moderating experience, but it really was just that easy.

Why? The community needed someone that would put in the time and effort as staff. The community needed someone that would push the limits as needed, take control as needed, and do it all in a way that forced the example. I put everything I had into making that happen.

People started requesting changes beyond my capability as just an admin, so I asked for developer privileges. I was promised them a while back after some ridiculous thing happened… I used to ask for them every time I caught Cheese online, but I got tired of being told the same thing. I got tired of begging for something that I'd be doing for free. Got tired of feeling like I had to prove myself in some way or wait for some special accommodation to be a developer while some people were made developers when they had little PHP knowledge. I work as a professional PHP developer: I deserve better than that disrespect.

As my parting gift to the community, I offer these pointers on "How to be an effective dictator":

  • Don't speak in the forums until you know you're right. Research to be sure.
  • Double and triple-read your posts before you post them; grammar Nazis are everywhere.
  • Respond when you're right and someone else is wrong according to the degree to which they are wrong. If they're only slightly wrong, cut 'em some slack. If they're new to something, take it easy. If they post like they were hatched in a gutter, unleash Hell.
  • If you're wrong, just admit it and continue on-topic. Everyone's wrong sometimes.
  • Learn the (few) rules and understand them. People that mean well for the community don't need "admin powers" to make a difference… I went long enough without them.
  • If there aren't rules to control something that you know is wrong, make judgment based upon what is best for the community, not upon whatever personal reasons you have for wanting to criticize someone.
  • If you find something to criticize about what someone said, criticize AND improve it. Also, do so in a way that is not tacky or overly arrogant.
  • Never quote yourself in your sig. It's lame.
  • If people are repeatedly telling you something you need to improve, you probably need to look at doing it. One or two people may be misguided… many are generally not in this case.
  • Flame ONLY when deserved. No matter how annoyed, frustrated, etc. you are… ONLY when deserved.
  • Realize or research the difference between harsh criticism and flaming. Yes, there's a difference.
  • Never doubt yourself, or others will doubt you, too.
  • Part of being an effective leader is understanding the thin line between manipulation and motivation.

There are more… There are always more ways to be an effective presence. Basically, you just need to be sensible and keep the best interests of the community above your own; if you can do that, you'll be great. One day, this community will either be great or die; I hope for the first (as I have for a while now), but I can't stay around to see which happens.

Thank you all for being a part of this life with me. If you want to know anything more about me, there might be a bit more to glean from my profile while my EM lasts. Other than that… just know that you missed nothing if you never knew me, and know that you learned something if you did.

I'm done.

ghost's Avatar
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An Introduction thread that's also a farewell thread? Lame.

I know what you mean though. HBH is a good site, I like it, but it gets boring because there's nothing new. I mean yeah, there's some new challenges and stuff, but challenges can only teach you so much. I left a while back too, just like you did. I also came back after a while, just like you did. I hope you're doing a repeat of that right now. If that's the case, then I'll see you in a few months, but I'm not holding my breath.

There are only a handful of people I respect on this site, including Zephyr, system, only, Netfish, korg, Richo, chislam, spyware, moshbat, -cL, and a few others that I can't remember right now. :P Most of these people have already left, and I suspect that the rest of them will be gone fairly soon as well.

This creates a huge problem for the site. If all of the teachers leave, then all we have left is a bunch of learners with nobody to teach them. (And I realize that we are all learners, teachers, and doers, but a lot of newbies don't think that way yet. If there's nobody here to teach them to think like that, they'll likely leave too.)

Anyway, Zephyr, you were one of the biggest assets to this site and we're certainly better off with you here, but you've got to do what makes you happy in life, so I completely understand.

I'd say farewell, but I'm going to stay in touch, so it's kind of pointless. :P Good luck with your time away from HBH, I hope you have the time of your life. :)

ghost's Avatar
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I don't know if you'll even read this post, and it wont mean a damn thing coming from me. People here just know me as a rambling jackass. This post was well thought out, but still the best I can come up with is to say your post was inspirational. Inspiring annoyance that another person who knew more then the basics is leaving, but much more Inspiring to begin comprehension. This site may die, and that means more to others than it means to me, but we don't walk away empty handed (or at least I don't). People like you are the reason people like me strive to be better. I cant say this through an internet post and really have that kick behind it, but your a good man. Thank-you for sharing.

ghost's Avatar
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umm a couple things to say

  1. you went from bitch to bull? NICE
  3. you will be missed greately :(

now i need to find some one else to flame my stupid threads other then spyware

i'll miss you man. i hope one day i'll be as great as you.

you where truly an inspiration

spyware's Avatar
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yours31f's Avatar
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Well man, It really sucks to see you go. You have done so much for this community and I would like to thank you for it. You can never receive enough thanks for the efforts you have put into your stay here, and you will be missed. I hope that one day you will return, and when (or if) you do, that this community is much better than it is now. I will try to continue your efforts as I have been studying them over the last few weeks, as I have been lurking and learning the art that you and few others have perfected. Again, Farewell to you Zephyr_Pure, for now.

ghost's Avatar
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Ah zeph, sorry to see things going this way. You're a credit to this community and HBH will be worse off without you but i respect your choice, sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.

So farewell, even though we didn't know each other that well, you will be missed.

SySTeM's Avatar
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Sucks to see you go dude, you were a great addition to HBH and will be missed, hopefully will still get to chat to you though :)

clone4's Avatar
Perl-6 Wisdom Seeker
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Well I guess everything important has been said. It's a shame you're leaving, you started revolution on hbh, that had a great results and could've gone on for a long time. Anyway even though I haven't known you for that long, I somehow managed to gain from your presence quite a lot, so thanks for that, and well… bye:)

ghost's Avatar
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Such a shame. Really sorry you had to go like this. I just can't believe that they wouldn't let a professional PHP developer be a developer on this site. That's retarded if you ask me….

clone4's Avatar
Perl-6 Wisdom Seeker
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-cL wrote: [quote]skathgh420 wrote: I just can't believe that they wouldn't let a professional PHP developer be a developer on this site. That's retarded if you ask me….

Well, they cannot let everyone be a developer seeing as More Developers == More risk. I am not insinuating that Zeph is a bad guy, because what I've seen from him, he isn't. Also, More developers == more chaos.[/quote]

Yeah but you also forgot very important: More skilled developers == more improvements to the site and more things done faster ;)

ynori7's Avatar
Future Emperor of Earth
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I'm gonna miss the evil dictator. He was a cool guy. Good luck with the rest of your ventures zeph.

I'll try to look after the code bank for you. ;)

clone4's Avatar
Perl-6 Wisdom Seeker
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-cL wrote: [quote]clone4 wrote: Yeah but you also forgot very important: More skilled developers == more improvements to the site and more things done faster ;)

Not if there is too many developers. :P [/quote]

Well we aren't talking about hundreds now, are we :D and if there are 4 or 6 shouldn't make that much difference. Anyway let's don't mess up this thread with offtopic :)

ghost's Avatar
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-cL wrote: [quote]clone4 wrote: Yeah but you also forgot very important: More skilled developers == more improvements to the site and more things done faster ;)

Not if there is too many developers. :P [/quote]

I don't think HBH's problem is too many skilled developers.

Futility's Avatar
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You were a fantastic influence on the community and it's sad to see you leave. Just remember that you're always welcome back here should you feel the urge. I would say goodbye, but you're probably not going to read this. Even if you do, it's not really goodbye- I'll see you around. Thanks for everything you've done and I hope you enjoy your time away from HBH.

K3174N 420's Avatar
Satan > God
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Holy shit, I leave for a couple days and this!?:( Farewell and good bye I guess… Pop back and visit any time. ^^

fuser's Avatar
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Wow. I go on a few days' holiday and this happens. Sad to see the better members of HBH leaving.

ghost's Avatar
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This thread is over two months old, he's been gone for a while.

1.) It's okay to ask for challenge help if you do it properly. You shouldn't think that anyone else thinks that you're "secretly asking for challenge help".

2.) PM me if you want to, but I prefer using MSN if you have it.

3.) Stop being so concerned with what people think about you. Who cares if others think you're a script kiddie? All that really matters is that you're doing your best to learn. If they think you're a script kiddie, oh well, as long as you're learning.

ghost's Avatar
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You shouldn't put your intro in someone else's thread.

spyware's Avatar
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Lock please.