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Introduction - The_Phoenix

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  1. What languages do you speak? (And no, '1337 speak' doesn't count)
  1. How did you find the site?
  2. What made you want to learn how to hack?
  3. What do you want to learn?
  4. How long have you been interested in computers? What keeps you interested in them?
  5. Anything else you wish to tell us.

First of all, I go by The_Phoenix. I look forward to meeting anyone who's willing to help me learn. :)

  1. I just speak English (and a little pig-latin if that counts as a language).
  2. Google.com. I use it religiously, you should too.
  3. Well I've always been curious about how computers work. I figured what better way to learn about them than from the people who know more than anyone else about them - hackers.
  4. What don't I want to learn?
  5. I've been interested in computers for several years now. I'm majoring in computer science.
  6. I encourage anyone to throw me some knowledge if they're up for it. :)

P.S. I could use a sig. If someone wants to make me one, I'd really appreciate it. Just PM me. :)

spyware's Avatar
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Hi, welcome. Enjoy your stay. Going from your post my first piece of advise would be to lurk this forum a bit more. Read older posts and stuff, too.

ghost's Avatar
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Sounds like pretty solid advice to me, thanks Spyware.

ghost's Avatar
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I_The_Phoenix_I wrote: [quote]

  1. What do you want to learn?

  2. What don't I want to learn?

  3. I encourage anyone to throw me some knowledge if they're up for it. :)

P.S. I could use a sig. If someone wants to make me one, I'd really appreciate it. Just PM me. :)[/quote] Enthusiasm is a good thing… being vague is not. Toss us some of your thoughts about concepts that you'd like to become more familiar with. This is a no-flame zone, so don't worry about stupid you might sound while doing it. :)

Here's some knowledge: In PHP, addslashes() sucks; use mysql_real_escape_string().

Hit up yours31f with a PM or something… he'll make you a sig. That'll tide you over until you can make your own. Get a good graphics program, whether pirated or normally free.

ghost's Avatar
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I guess if I really have to be specific on what I want to learn…

I'm into web hacking for the most part. SQL Injections look pretty promising from what I can see. I also read something about CSRF that I plan on checking into.

I'm also interested in learning advanced/abstract methods of injecting and escaping filters.

So if you have any good tutorials about those things that you would like to recommend to me then I'd love to take a look. :)

Thanks for the php tip Zephyr. If I ever get around to creating a website then I'll be sure to use my newly-acquired knowledge. :)

And as far as the sig problem goes, I have or can get any program I would need, I just don't have the skills. I've never been good with graphics at all, I've given up on trying to be, and since I want a decent looking sig, I decided to give someone the opportunity to complete Other 8. :)

EDIT: I just realized how excessively I use smileys…>.<

ghost's Avatar
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What year are you in your C.S. program? I am always curious to see what colleges are doing since I graduated. If you need any Java help feel free to PM me. Have fun.


ghost's Avatar
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@Moshbat: I hope you're not implying that I'm already annoying people.

ghost's Avatar
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Fair enough. :)

Futility's Avatar
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I_The_Phoenix_I wrote: And as far as the sig problem goes, I have or can get any program I would need, I just don't have the skills. I've never been good with graphics at all, I've given up on trying to be, and since I want a decent looking sig, I decided to give someone the opportunity to complete Other 8. :) Making neat-looking sigs is not that hard. You don't need to be a professional with photoshop or GIMP. Hell, you barely need to be competent. I definitely am not. I'm not saying my sigs are amazing, but they are pretty neat (to me, anyway, and that's all that really matters). Just take a picture of something you like, cut out the part you like, start pressing buttons, and hope for the best. If you don't like it, then try again.

If you find yourself drawn to CSRF, then I'm sure you'll enjoy XSS as well because they are similar in many aspects. I have an excellent PDF on XSS if you're interested. (It's called XSS Attacks Cross Site Scripting and Defense. Should be easy enough to find on your own.)

Other than that… welcome to HBH and I hope you enjoy being a member.

ghost's Avatar
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It's not about not being able to click buttons, it's about me not being creative enough to create a sig that I think is good enough to be displayed. :P

Oh, and I already know a fair bit about XSS, but thanks for the suggestion.

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When I get home, I will make you a sig. I will be trying something new so I think you will enjoy.