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Introduction Guidelines

Futility's Avatar
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Alright, now I know what you're thinking. Oh no- the evil dictators are here to throw more rules at us and shut down free speech. Fight the man! Down with the government! FREEEDOM!!!

You guys have that out of your system? Good. Because I'm not here to restrict what you have to say. I'm not going to list off a few things that have to be talked about, and I'm sure as hell not going to insert small, barely visible images instead of spaces that will slowly but surely work their way into your brain giving me complete control over what you do and think. That would be crazy! What I am here to do is to help guide things. I've seen sites where the entire Intro section is taken up by "Hi I'm <insert name here> and I'm new here!" That's not much of an introduction, is it? Do you guys want to read that over and over and over again?

No. No you don't. So here it goes- a list of things that you should include when posting and introduction for yourself.

  1. What languages do you speak? (And no, '1337 speak' doesn't count)
  2. How did you find the site?
  3. What made you want to learn how to hack?
  4. What do you want to learn?
  5. How long have you been interested in computers? What keeps you interested in them?
  6. Anything else you wish to tell us.

Ok, I know I promised no rules, but I lied. Don't worry, though, they're nothing big.

  1. Put your name in the subject of your post. We don't want a million "HI"s everywhere, do we?

  2. Use English. We don't care how proficient you are at taking letters out of words while making them still retain some sort of meaning. We don't care that you can save .00032 seconds by not typing a 'y' or an 'o'. If you want to be respected and known on this site you're going to have to learn to write cohesively. Now if English isn't your first language, don't be scared. Just do your best and stay away from abbreviations, slang, 'leet speak,' or any of that other crap.

  3. NO FLAMING. As much as I love a good roasting, let's keep this a friendly place to talk. Let this be sort of a buffer zone. If someone says something dumb, warn them that people won't put up with it in the 'real' threads, but be nice about it. Deal? Yes? I'm happy we've agreed.

ghost's Avatar
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These are very good guidelines for posting an introduction here they really are but honestly how many newcomers do you think are going to find and read this before they go posting away on the forum.

spyware's Avatar
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Sticky + Lock hm?

ghost's Avatar
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skathgh420 wrote: These are very good guidelines for posting an introduction here they really are but honestly how many newcomers do you think are going to find and read this before they go posting away on the forum. About half, I think. The great thing about this (compared to the forum rules or the "suggestion" items) is that this list is actually in the section that they'd be posting in… so, there's a decent chance that they will see this before they rush to click the "New Thread" button. In fact, if this does indeed work, maybe this is a sign that we need to put forum rules / guidelines, mentor request guidelines, etc. as the top listings in every section and the mentor request section, respectively.

spyware wrote: Sticky + Lock hm? There will be a lock soon; just waiting to hear a bit more feedback. Great job with the list, Futility.

ghost's Avatar
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Ok, let's see, feedback was it? Well, a couple of points I guess:

  1. I don't see why anyone should include where they're from. Some people have, not necessarily by their own fault or even knowing it, prejudices against people from certain countries. Your origin/location doesn't necessarily have anything to do with who you are or give any relevant information about you in a first impression. We want to get an impression of the person you are which you will be showing more of (hopefully), as an active member. Also, you have the location part in your profile if you really want to disclose where you are and not just write "behind you lololol".

  2. Seeing as most people are relatively new, that is why they're introducing themselves, most people will not be able and shouldn't call themselves hackers. Something you should include is more along the lines of when you started with computers, just generally about why and maybe what you know within the area. Of course if someone would consider themself a real hacker, go for it in the introduction, but that's a different thing. Why you started pursuing becoming a hacker is yet another thing though, it is why most people are here/should be here and it's something that might be neat to include.

The anything else part kind of covers…. well anything else about what you should write so can't really add anything there. However, you should add that people should try their very best to write it in correct English. Textspeak and 13375p34k isn't tolerated nor appreciated here and it doesn't make for a remotely decent first impression either. People should know that from first post.

Futility's Avatar
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COM wrote:

  1. I don't see why anyone should include where they're from. My thinking was that knowing where someone is from would help give everyone an idea of their time zone. When they'll be on and such. I didn't even consider the discrimination factor.

Also, you have the location part in your profile if you really want to disclose where you are and not just write "behind you lololol". Hah. Completely forgot about that area. Good point. Removed.

However, you should add that people should try their very best to write it in correct English. Textspeak and 13375p34k isn't tolerated nor appreciated here and it doesn't make for a remotely decent first impression either. People should know that from first post. I did mention it, but yes it does need to be reiterated because it's a pretty big point. Added

Oh, and Zephyr, Cheese, system, anyone that can- feel free to add or subtract anything you feel needs to be added or subtracted. Just edit my first post. Maybe sign your name next to the changes, or something so that people will know who contributed.

ghost's Avatar
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The title of this thread should be put in Astericks, with massive, boldface text next to it stating that those who do not follow these guidelines will perish. ;) Possibly a line could be added to it asking what programming knowledge or hacking experience they have, if applicable. Obviously, if they do not have experience, they could just write N/A.