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Pen Testing 2 - 175 points

psyl0cke's Avatar
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I created this topic because I don't know that I should look for more exploits or not. At my profile it shows that I have 145 points from 175 points but if I count those points from exploit messages I've already gained that much.

At the first time when I caught access it wrote +90 points. At other exploits it wrote: +35, +10, +40

So it is already 175 points. I really don't know that I found enough or not but if not a little help could be nice to push me in the right direction. hmm

I was thinking about a section where I didn't use a special character in the url to avoid something, but don't have any clue about that what I should try to replace there instead of the previously mentioned one from the site. I tried tamper data and injections too but I haven't caught anything interesting yet (or at least I didn't notice it). I tried out those datas which I caught but it only showed me a well done message.

Euforia33's Avatar
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None of the exploits in pen-test 2 are worth 90 points, the one you must be referring to there is worth 60 points.

psyl0cke's Avatar
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Euforia33 wrote: None of the exploits in pen-test 2 are worth 90 points, the one you must be referring to there is worth 60 points.

Thank you, then I guess that I noted it down in the bad way. :) One more to go. searching