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PHPBB hacking program

ghost's Avatar
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Hi, can someone please give me a direct link to one? Or send me one at josh.james.2005 [at] gmail.com

Thank You Very Much!

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I'm sorry to have to be the one to reply seeing as I have an extra hatred sense for script kiddys but hey, if thats the path you choose than you will probably be flamed anyways..

My awnser to your question:

  1. There is no program made to hack every phpBB forum ever created.

My responce to your script kiddyness: Please don't follow the path of a script kiddy. It's really retarted and you learn nothing more than how to get arrested. Those programs are used only by the creators to not have to redo the same hack over and over, and there is no secure method to insure that those programs are not logging you, or that they are safe and wont get you caught by the victim of the program. I advise you to stop while you still can.

A word of the wise..


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there ya got Haykuro - wise words.