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I HAVE looked at google. How do you see a pages source code

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Please could someone just give me a push in the right direction with the whole hacking thing, just by telling me how to see a pages source code? ;)

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I guess I'm dumber than I thought huh? I just worked it out.

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Just right click on the page and look what is there :)

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and if you cant find it after that then mabey you should stop trying.

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Well not stop trying:@ but working on getting to know your PC, becoming more computer litterate.

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Internet Explorer: View -> Source

Firefox: Right Click -> View Page Source

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fire fox 0wns

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It sure does

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omnipresence wrote: and if you cant find it after that then mabey you should stop trying. stop trying? Dont do that, you never know what you could miss. Every timje you get a message like that, just ignore it or if you know enough and you're ready, pick a fight, but never stop trying. As said many times before, Google helps, along with the forums/

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sorry it was a late night. lol.

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Psycha - Xer0X wrote: omnipresence wrote: and if you cant find it after that then mabey you should stop trying. stop trying? Dont do that, you never know what you could miss. Every timje you get a message like that, just ignore it or if you know enough and you're ready, pick a fight, but never stop trying. As said many times before, Google helps, along with the forums/

This from the guy tahts gives up if the all the information isnt on one page and spoon fed into his gob. By teh way he's right though, i left somehting similar earlier…

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Spoon fed? No. I'm just saying that your article was a piece of complete shit. I'm not the one who starts a fight with someone just because they got a suggestion and are too pissy to accept their mistake. For one before you start writing articles you should get above a 3rd grade level of grammar and spelling, you should also be a bit more descriptive. The point of an article is to guide a user (as you've said once before) but what you're doing is basically the same as redirecting them to Google with the search keyword already in place. You also shouldn't get a post involved when you're mad that your articles are in general complete flops. -Psycha/Xer0X

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Im not I would just like it if people got off they're lazy arse once in a while. What you were suggesting is that i put the answers on a page, the article was to help people understand about the steg. not to tell them the answer, whats the point of getting the answer, you get nout for it. You will find very few pages that just give you the answers, later you will come accross situation where not every one around you knows the answer. You will have to work it out for your self or at least stray further than an article entitled "The Fucking answers here for the N00Bs Amongst us". It comes down to one simple thing, if the answers not here look for it, and to an extenet re-direction to google is what it is intended for, notice how i explain that a week in the forums does not compare to 0.18 seconds on google. And the learn grade 3 grammar? What are you on about, although its true lets not let your flames stray into forums, PM me if you really want to continue Fighting for "lazy cunt" rights.
