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Basic 10, IP Range

ghost's Avatar
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I understand how to change my IP and how to use proxies, but can someone please explain what ip range is. What would an IP with a range of: <!– range is around 200 to 230 and 23 to 91 –> be.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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ghost's Avatar
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erm, too much of sploier lol

bl4ckc4t's Avatar
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LiveFastDieFun wrote: I understand how to change my IP and how to use proxies, but can someone please explain what ip range is. What would an IP with a range of: <!– range is around 200 to 230 and 23 to 91 –> be.

You know how an ip can be like

the range, I believe is the 216.

EDIT** If this is too much of a spoiler, delete it.

ghost's Avatar
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Got it. Thanks that helped alot.:)